Administration Menu
Administration Setup
The Administration tab provides access to the Administration pages. Take a few moments to go through the setup process.
Administration Pages
- Web Service User create and maintain web service users
- Carrier create and maintain all carriers
- Depot create and maintain all depots
- Driver create and maintain all drivers
- Vehicle create and maintain all vehicles
- Group create and maintain all driver and vehicle groups
- Intrastate Rules change the rule set for intrastate drivers
- HOS Setup define and modify HOS system settings
- Office maintain the fleet home office address
- Hours of Service (Driver) give driver access to a web browser where they can check in, check out, and view, print, and save HOS logs
- Email Alerts setup and maintain email alerts
- Password change your password (using the Services Portal preferences menu)
- ERODS (Request) send a driver's eRODS to en email address or by web services to an inspection officer
- ERODS (Status) see the status of historical eRODS requests for the past seven (7) days