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Omnitracs Knowledge Base

Vehicle Administration

The Vehicle Administration tab allows you to create, modify, and delete vehicles in HOS. 

When a message is received from a vehicle that is not yet defined in HOS, the system automatically creates the vehicle in HOS and assigns the comm unit number as the tractor ID. You can change the tractor ID to the ID that your company uses.

The red arrow indicates a required field. Spaces are not allowed at the beginning or end of any entry.

Note: Vehicles in HOS are not the same entity as vehicles in the QTRACS application. Even if the vehicle's ID is changed in the QTRACS record, you must set up the vehicle again in HOS. You can delete vehicles in the QTRACS application, but not in HOS.

Reset Macros
If you have Omnitracs mobile units that experienced a macro failure because the macros were not properly defined, click to open a page where you can reset the macros.
Electronic Odometer Configuration
If your company does not subscribe to Performance Monitoring click to open a page where you can configure odometer settings.
Depot / Vehicle
The depot or ---All Vehicles--- that you select specifies the list of vehicles you can view or edit in the Vehicle drop-down list. Select the depot and New Vehicle to add a vehicle to the selected depot.
Begin typing a driver or depot, and the search field fills with matching items.
Comm unit #
The serial number (SN) of the mobile unit on the vehicle, also known as the unit address or UA, is found on the MAS (black box) label. Note: You see a warning message if you enter a comm unit number that is assigned to an existing vehicle record. Click Reassign a unit and read the note at the bottom of the page to resolve the issue.
Vehicle ELD Mode
Identify if this vehicle is AOBRD or ELD. If you select Use Fleet Settings, the vehicle adopts the AOBRD/ELD settings you defined at the fleet level. Any new vehicle is set as an ELD. You can come to this page to verify the settings.
Tractor ID
Your company's vehicle ID, up to fifty alphanumeric characters. Special characters and punctuation marks are not allowed.
Plate Number
The license plate number of the vehicle. A plate number is required for vehicles driven in Canada.
Vehicle alias
An optional nickname of up to forty characters used to identify the vehicles in exported report data. You can use periods and hyphens, but no other special characters.
Depot name
The depot (terminal) to which the vehicle is assigned.
The vehicle groups to which the vehicle is assigned are highlighted. To assign or remove a vehicle from a group, press control+click to select or deselect the group name.
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