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Omnitracs Knowledge Base

External Application Link


An external application must be registered with the QTRACS/400 system before it is permitted to transmit or receive messages or receive position locations. Applications are registered in much the same way that vehicles and users are registered. An input queue is specified for each registered application. The QTRACS/400 Router places transactions that contain message completion information and return (inbound) message and position location data intended for the application into its input queue. Forward (outbound) messages may be transmitted by the external application through the use of the OMCRTMSG API. The OMCRTMSG API is described in detail in the next chapter.

The acronym MCT is used throughout this chapter when describing various transactions and fields within transactions. This acronym means Mobile Communications Terminal, and is used in a generic sense. In other words, unless specified otherwise, the transactions described within this chapter support all types of mobile units maintainable via QTRACS/400.

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