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Omnitracs Knowledge Base

Vehicle Definition Notification - Type 401 (new for v6.2)

Vehicle Definition Notification (new for v6.2)

(Type 401)

This section describes the transaction used to deliver Vehicle Definition Notification transactions to the external application software. QTRACS provides the means to request notification of vehicle maintenance; add, delete, rename and change vehicle UA, for owned vehicles and auxiliary vehicles.

Depending on the setting of the Vehicle Maintenance Transaction attribute within the external application registry, a Vehicle Definition Notification transaction will be delivered to an external application each time a vehicle is maintained.

Vehicle Notification Definition transaction format

From To Size Type Field Description
1 5 9,0 Packed Host Message Number (HMN)
6 8 3 Character Transaction Type = 401
9 15 13,0 Packed Event Time
16 16 1 Character Maintenance Function
17 26 10 Character Vehicle Identifier
27 36 10 Character Vehicle Unified Address
37 37 1 Character Vehicle Type
38 47 10 Character Prior Vehicle Identifier
48 57 10 Character Prior Vehicle Unified Address
58 58 1 Character Prior Vehicle Type
59 68 10 Character QMASS Auxiliary Account Identifier of Owner

Vehicle Notification Definition transaction field descriptions

Field Description
Host Message Number This packed decimal field contains the host message number. The host message number (HMN) is a global packet handle that is used to reference a specific transaction.
Transaction Type This is the code that identifies the transaction as vehicle maintenance. It is a 3-character numeric field that always contains 401.
Event Time This 13-digit packed decimal numeric field contains the time and date that the maintenance event occurred. This field is in the QTRACS GMT seconds format and may be converted for display using the QTRACS date/time APIs.
Maintenance Function This 1-character field indicates the type of maintenance performed; where:
1 add
2 rename
3 delete
4 change UA
Vehicle Identifer This is the QTRACS entity name of the vehicle that was maintained.
Vehicle Unified Address This is a 10-character field that identifies the mobile communications terminal number installed in the vehicle.
Vehicle Type This 1-character field indicates the type of unit installed on the vehicle; where:
0 unknown
3 OmniOne
4 MCP Other
5 MCP050
6 MCP100
7 MCP110
8 MCP200
Prior Vehicle Identifer This is the old QTRACS entity name of the vehicle that was maintained. This field will only be filled if the maintenance performed was a rename.
Prior Vehicle Unified Address This is the old 10-character field that identified the mobile communications terminal number installed in the vehicle. This field will only be filled if the maintenance performed was change UA.
Prior Vehicle Type This 1-character field indicates the old type of unit installed on the vehicle; where:
0 unknown
3 OmniOne
4 MCP Other
5 MCP050
6 MCP100
7 MCP110
8 MCP200
This field will only be filled if the maintenance performed was change UA.
QMASS Auxiliary Account Identifier of Owner This 10-character field contains the QTRACS auxiliary identifier of the owner of this vehicle. This field will be blank if vehicle is owned.
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