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Omnitracs Knowledge Base

Position Reports - Type 614

Position Reports

(Type 614)

This section describes the transaction used to deliver Vehicle Position Report transactions to the external application software. QTRACS provides the means to request vehicle position reports for owned vehicles and auxiliary vehicles based on position type.

Depending on the settings of the Position Data Stream attributes within the external application registry, a Vehicle Position Report transaction may be delivered to an external application each time a location message transaction is received from the NMC.

QTRACS optionally returns proximity information in positions 108 through 201. An attribute within the external application registry controls the content of this transaction.

Vehicle Position Report transaction format

From To Size Type Field Description
1 5 9,0 Packed Host Message Number (HMN)
6 8 3 Character Transaction Type = 614
9 9 1 Character Source Entity (Vehicle) Type
10 19 10 Character Source Entity (Vehicle) ID
20 29 10 Character Source Entity Comm Unit Number
30 36 13,0 Packed Position Report Time
37 43 13,0 Packed Position Report Packet Arrival Time
44 47 7,0 Packed Position Latitude
48 51 7,0 Packed Position Longitude
52 52 1 Character Ignition Status
53 53 1 Character Trip Status
54 58 9,0 Packed Associated Message Global Message Handle
59 59 1 Character Associated Message Direction
60 62 3,0 Zoned Associated Message Macro Number
63 65 3,0 Zoned Associated Message Macro Version Number
66 66 1 Character Associated Message Body Type
67 76 10 Character QMASS Auxiliary ID of Owner
77 107 31 Character Reserved - returned as blanks
108 108 1 Character Position Hardware Source
109 109 1 Character Position Type
110 134 25 Character Place Name (upper case)
135 159 25 Character Place City (mixed case)
160 161 2 Character Place State
162 170 9 Character Place Postal Code
171 173 5,1 Packed Distance to Place (returned in kilometers or miles)
174 176 3 Character Distance Units (in international displayable text)
177 179 3 Character Direction to Place (in international displayable text)
180 184 5 Character Place Type
185 191 7 Character Place ID
192 201 10 Zoned Place Alias
202 206 9,1 Packed Life-To-Date Distance
207 209 3 Zoned Vehicle Speed
210 212 3 Character Vehicle Speed Units
213 215 5,2 Packed Vehicle Direction (type and length changed v7.0)
216 225 10,1 Zoned Vehicle Odometer (added v7.0)
226 230 9,6 Packed Position Latitude in Decimal Degrees (added v7.0)
231 235 9,6 Packed Position Longitude in Decimal Degrees (added v7.0)
236 263 28 Character Reserved - returned as blanks (length changed v7.0)

Vehicle Position Report transaction field descriptions

Field Description
Host Message Number This packed decimal field contains the host message number. The host message number (HMN) is a global packet handle that is used to reference a specific transaction.
Transaction Type This is the code that identifies the transaction as a position report. It is a 3-character numeric field that always contains 614.
Source Entity (Vehicle) Type This 1-character field indicates the type of entity that is reporting its position; where:
- V owned vehicle
- T auxiliary vehicle
- ? unregistered vehicle
Source Entity (Vehicle) Identifier This is the QTRACS entity name of the vehicle that transmitted the position report. In the case of position reports from unregistered vehicles, this field will contain the Comm Unit Number.
Comm Unit Number This is a 10-character field that identifies the mobile communications terminal number installed in the vehicle.
Position Report Time This 13-digit packed decimal numeric field contains the time and date of the position location information received at the NMC. This is the time that the vehicle was at the location contained in the transaction. This field is in the QTRACS GMT seconds format and may be converted for display using the QTRACS date/time APIs.
Position Report Packet Arrival Time This 13-digit packed decimal numeric field contains the time and date that the position report packet was received by QTRACS. This field is in the QTRACS GMT seconds format and may be converted for display using the QTRACS date/time APIs.
Position Latitude This is a signed 7-digit packed decimal field containing the vehicle's latitude in signed whole seconds. A positive value indicates a position in the northern hemisphere. A negative value indicates a position in the southern hemisphere.
Position Longitude This is a signed 7-digit packed decimal field containing the vehicle's longitude in signed whole seconds. A positive value indicates a position in the western hemisphere. A negative value indicates a position in the eastern hemisphere.
Ignition Status This 1-character field indicates the state of the vehicle's ignition, where:
- 0 unknown
- 1 ON
- 2 OFF
Trip Status This 1-character field indicates the state of the vehicle's trip status, where:
- U unknown
- I In Trip
- O Out of Trip
In order to successfully determine the Trip Status, a vehicle must be equipped with an MCT that has firmware version 15.59 or above, and the SensorTRACS option must be enabled. Otherwise, the Trip Status will always be set to unknown.
Associated Message Global Message Handle This packed decimal field contains the global message handle. The global message handle is used to reference a specific QTRACS message. Each message is assigned a global message handle by QTRACS. This value is returned set equal to zero if the position report is not associated with the receipt of a QTRACS message.
Associated Message Direction This field contains the direction of the associated message. A value of 'F' indicates the position is associated with a forward message. A value of 'R' indicates that the position is associated with a return message. This field is blank if there is no associated message.
Associated Message Macro Number When the Associated Message Body Type is equal to 'T', then this is the macro number of the macro template of the message that is associated with this position report. The macro template number is based on the Associated Message Direction. A value of 'F' indicates a forward macro number. A value of 'R' indicates a return macro number.
When the Associated Message Body Type is equal to 'B', then this is the binary data type of the binary message.
This value is returned set equal to zero if the position report is not associated with the receipt of a QTRACS message.
Associated Message Macro Version Number When the Associated Message Body Type is equal to 'T' then this is the version number of the macro template of the message that is associated with this position report.

When the Associated Message Body Type is equal to 'B', then this is the binary message subtype of the binary message.

This value is returned set equal to zero if the position report is not associated with the receipt of a QTRACS message.
Associated Message Body Type This field indicates the type of data that was transmitted in the message that is associated with this position report. A value of 'T' indicates a text message. A value of 'B' indicates a binary message. This field is set equal to blank if the position report is not associated with a QTRACS message.
QMASS Auxiliary ID of Owner This 10-character field contains the QTRACS auxiliary identifier of the owner of this vehicle. This is a QTRACS Type 'B' entity. This field will be blank if the source entity type is 'V'.
Position Hardware Source This 1-character field indicates the type of hardware responsible for generating the position.
- 0 Unknown
- 1 Loran
- 3 GPS
Position Type This 1-character field indicates the type of position.
- 0 Regular
- 1 Regular Out-of-Coverage
- 2 Archived
- 3 Archived Out-of-Coverage
- 4 Auto-Fill Arrival GPS macro field type (33)
- 5 Auto-Fill Message Send GPS macro field type (35)
Place Name This 25-character field contains the unique place name (in all upper case letters).
Place City This 25-character field contains the place city name (in mixed case letters). For QTRACS cities and town, this field is the same as the place name with the exception of the case.
Place State This 2-character field contains the place's state abbreviation.
Place Postal Code This 9-character field contains the place's postal code.
Distance to Place This 5-digit packed decimal field contains the distance from the place.
Distance Units This 3-character field indicates the units (mls or kms) in which the distance is returned.
Direction to Place This 3-character field indicates the direction (N, SSE, etc.) in which the place is located.
Place Type This 5-character field indicates the place type (CITY, TOWN, etc.)
Place ID This 7-character field contains the unique place identifier assigned to the given place. This can be used in QTRACS APIs when referring to places.
Place Alias This 10-character field contains the place alias which may be used to cross-reference a third party database.
Life-To-Date Distance This 9-digit packed decimal field contains the vehicle's Life-To-Date Distance value. The value is filled if a return macro message contains an LTD Distance auto-fill field and the mobile that sent the message has valid firmware. If the mobile has old firmware, the LTD Distance value is only returned when positions 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 & 9 are filled with numbers 0 - 9. For example, if 123456789Z is entered into the mobile with old firmware, 1234567.9 is returned. If 123 is entered into the mobile with old firmware, the LTD Distance value is not filled.
Vehicle Speed This field contains the speed of an MCP-equipped vehicle.
- -999.99= unknown
Vehicle Speed Units This 3-character field indicates the units (mls or kms) in which the vehicle speed is returned.
Vehicle Direction This field indicates the direction of travel for an MCP-equipped vehicle. The 5-digit value representing the heading in degrees, clockwise from North:
- 000.00 = North
- 045.00 = Northeast
- 090.00 = East
- 135.00 = Southeast
- 180.00 = South
- 225.00 = Southwest
- 270.00 = West
- 315.00 = Northwest
- -999.99= unknown
Vehicle Odometer This field contains the odometer reading for an MCP-equipped vehicle.
- -999999999.9 = unknown
Position Latitude in Decimal Degrees This is a signed 9-digit packed decimal field containing the vehicle's latitude in decimal degrees. A positive value indicates a position in the northern hemisphere. A negative value indicates a position in the southern hemisphere.
Position Longitude in Decimal Degrees This is a signed 9-digit packed decimal field containing the vehicle's longitude in signed decimal degrees. A positive value indicates a position in the eastern hemisphere. A negative value indicates a position in the western hemisphere.
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