Notification of Message Read - Type 603
Notification of Message Read -Type 603
A message that was originated by an external application that has the external application as the source of the message may choose to receive notification that the driver read the message. This is known as return receipt notification. This feature is controlled by the Return Receipt parameter in the OMCRTMSG API call. If enabled, the external application receives a type 603 transaction after the original forward message is read by the driver. Note that this only applies to messages that are addressed to vehicles.
Return Receipt Notification transaction format
From | To | Size | Type | Field Description |
1 | 5 | 9 | Packed | Global Message Handle |
6 | 8 | 3 | Character | Transaction Type = 603 |
9 | 10 | 2 | Character | Completion Status |
11 | 20 | 10 | Character | Application ID |
21 | 24 | 4 | Character | Completion Reason Code |
25 | 34 | 10 | Character | Addressee (Receiver) of Message |
35 | 39 | 9 | Packed | Message Component Reference Number (HMN) |
40 | 40 | 1 | Character | QMASS Copy of Message |
41 | 50 | 10 | Character | QMASS Auxiliary ID of Owner of Vehicle |
51 | 81 | 31 | Character | QMASS Return Auxiliary String |
82 | 88 | 13 | Packed | Timestamp |
89 | 181 | 93 | Character | Reserved |
Forward Message Confirmation transaction fields
Field Name | Description |
Global Message Handle | This packed decimal field contains the global message handle. The global message handle (GMH) is used as a reference to the forward message. The external application software obtained the GMH from QTRACS via a call to OMCRTMSG at the time that the message was submitted. QTRACS returns the GMH in all transactions that pertain to the message. |
Transaction Type | This field will be set to 603. |
Completion Status | The Completion Status indicates the status of the message submission in QTRACS v3.x format. These codes are supported for backward compatibility with QTRACS v3.x external applications only. All external applications should be modified to utilize the Completion Reason Code field below. |
Application ID | The Application ID is the 10-character identifier of the application that submitted the message for transmission. |
Completion Reason Code | This is a 4-character code indicating the completion status of the message. A descriptive message can be found in the TRAQMSGF message file by appending this code to the 'CRC' prefix. This code supercedes the completion status as described above. |
Addressee (Receiver of Message) |
This field contains the entity identifier of the receiver of the forward message. Multiple Type 602 transactions are returned (one for each addressee) in the case of messages that are addressed to more than one vehicle. This field is provides the means to determine which addressee is being referenced by the forward message completion transaction. |
Message Component Reference Number | QTRACS assigns a unique reference number to each remote addressee when a forward message is addressed to more than one vehicle. This number is used internally by QTRACS to track the disposition of each transmittable component of the forward message. This field is returned in certain QTRACS API routines. |
QMASS Copy of Message | This single byte character value indicates whether this is an original message sent from the vehicle or a copy of the message; where: |