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Omnitracs Knowledge Base

Transactions Supported via the EAL Interface

Transactions Supported via the EAL Interface

Transactions Accepted by QTRACS/400

Table 1-1 lists all of the transactions that are accepted via QTRACS/400's External Application Link interface. These transactions are described in further detail in the following sections of this chapter. QTRACS will accept and process these transactions when they are placed on the QTRACS Router's input data queue (OMRECVQ), provided the OMSTREAL and OMPRCEAL background tasks are running in the Qualcomm subsystem. Transactions may be placed on this data queue via a call to the OS/400 API, QSNDDTAQ.

Number Name Description
601 Forward Text Message This transaction allows an external application to send a forward text message to one or more users and/or vehicles.
Although acceptable, it is recommended that usage of this transaction be replaced with a call to OMCRTMSG.
604 Forward Binary Message This transaction allows an external application to send a forward binary message to one or more vehicles.
Although acceptable, it is recommended that usage of this transaction be replaced with a call to OMCRTMSG.
609 T2-Addressed Forward Message This transaction allows an external application to send a forward message to a single T2-equipped trailer.
Although acceptable, it is recommended that usage of this transaction be replaced with a call to OMCRTMSG.


Transactions Returned by QTRACS/400

Table 1-2 lists all of the transactions that are returned via QTRACS/400's External Application Link interface. These transactions are described in further detail in the following sections of this chapter. QTRACS/400 returns these transactions to the input queues of registered external applications.
If the input queue is a data queue, transactions may be received by calling the OS/400 API, QRCVDTAQ. If the input queue is a file, transactions may be received by calling the QTRACS/400 API, OMRCVFIL.

Number Name Description
401 Vehicle Definition Notification This transaction notifies external applications that a vehicle has been created, deleted, or renamed or if the vehicle's UA is changed. (new for v6.2)
600 Text Return Message This transaction allows external applications to receive Text Return Messages from vehicles.
602 Forward Message Completion This transaction allows external applications to receive FMC's from vehicles.
603 Return Receipt This transaction allows external applications to receive Return Receipts from vehicles.
605 Binary Return Message This transaction allows external applications to receive Binary Return Messages from vehicles.
606 Routed (QMASS)
Text Forward Messages
This transaction allows external applications to receive Routed Text Forward Messages (via QMASS) from vehicles.
607 Routed (QMASS)
Binary Forward Messages
This transaction allows external applications to receive Routed Binary Forward Messages (via QMASS) from vehicles.
610 GMN Assignment This transaction allows external applications to receive the GMN to GMH mapping for a previously submitted forward message.
614 Position Report This transaction allows external applications to receive Position Reports from vehicles.
616 Driver Event This transaction allows external applications to receive Driver Events from vehicles.
618 T2 Return Message This transaction allows external applications to receive Return Messages from T2-equipped trailers.
625 State Miles Extract This transaction allows external applications to receive State Miles Extracts received from MCP-equipped vehicles. (new for v7.0)
692 GMH Assignment This transaction allows external applications to receive a Global Message Handle Assignment packet for a previously submitted forward message.
This transaction is returned in response to a 601, 604, or 609 received in an RI environment only.

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