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Omnitracs Knowledge Base

Revision Log

QTRACS Version

Changed Date


What changed



Josh Leinbach

  • OMDFTAVH - No longer allows a TMCT-equipped auxiliary vehicle to be created.
  • OMDFTVEH - No longer allows a TMCT-equipped vehicle to be created.
  • OMDRVMGT - Input block DRV300 (logoff driver) no longer supported.
  • OMMCTMGT - New input blocks MCT100 and MCT101 added to update VIN and license plate/jurisdiction.
  • OMNXTVEH - VIN, license plate, and jurisdiction added to the return block.
  • OMNXTVUA - VIN, license plate, and jurisdiction added to the return block.
  • OMQMSRA - Return status '10' no longer supported (OmniOne related).
  • OMRNMVEH - Return status '7' added.
  • OMUPDPOS - Return status '3' no longer supported (OmniOne related).
  • OMVENT - VIN, license plate, and jurisdiction added to return block VEH100.



Phil Riter

  • Updated CFG501 (Purge Parameters) return block in OMGCFG API. Added Days of State Miles
    Extract History to Retain in position 27.
  • Updated PLC000 (Common Place Information) return block in OMGETPLC API. Added Latitude and Longitude in decimal degrees to the end of the block.
  • Updated VEH100 (Vehicle Characteristics) return block in OMNXTVEH API. Added Latitude and Longitude in decimal degrees, Vehicle Direction, Vehicle Speed, and Vehicle Odometer to the end of the block.
  • Updated VEH100 (Vehicle Characteristics) return block in OMNXTVUA API. Added Latitude and Longitude in decimal degrees, Vehicle Direction, Vehicle Speed, and Vehicle Odometer to the end of the block.



Susan Zakrzewski

  • Updated the Position Reports - Type 614 external application transaction, with the vehicle odometer and latitude and longitude in decimal degrees. Changed the vehicle direction field from character 1 to packed 5.
  • Added a new transaction (State Miles Extract - Type 625) now supported via the EAL interface.
  • Added the following API's which were based on existing API's but were necessary to support enhanced positioning. Added the latitude and longitude in decimal degrees to the input/output parameter.
  • OMADDPLC - Removed the references to the place grid files.
  • OMGETPRX - Removed the references to the place grid file in the text of return status 1. Removed return statuses 2 through 4 and 9. These return statuses all make reference to the grid files, which no longer apply.
  • OMPRXQRY - Panel replaced with panel displaying latitude and longitude as decimal degrees.



Susan Zakrzewski

  • Updated VEH300 and AVH300 return blocks in OMVENT API. Added the latitude and longitude in decimal degrees.
  • Support for the Driving Directions feature has become obsolete, removed three supporting API's:
    • OMGETDD - Get Driving Directions
    • OMGEOCOD - Geocoder API
    • OMREVGEO - Reverse Geocoder API
  • Removed the following APIs which are no longer supported:
    • OMQMIPLC - Create/Monitor Landmark Export File for QMI



Susan Zakrzewski

  • Updated VEH100 return block in OMVENT API. Changed comm unit type in position 85 to include the different MCP types.
  • Updated VEH100 return block in OMNXTVEH API. Included the comm unit type in position 85.
  • Updated VEH100 return block in OMNXTVUA API. Included the comm unit type in position 85.
  • Added a new transaction (Vehicle Definition Notification - Type 401) now supported via the EAL interface.



Tricia Luke

Initial release of the wiki.

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