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Omnitracs Knowledge Base

Driver Management - OMDRVMGT

Driver Management (OMDRVMGT) RI

Required Parameter Group:

1 Format Name Input Char(6)
2 Input Block Input Char(256)
3 Return Status Output Char(1)
4 Reason Code Output Char(4)

API Overview:
The Driver Management API (OMDRVMGT) allows external applications to manage drivers. It allows the maintenance of the QTRACS Driver Database as well as the NMC Driver Database. This API will update the local driver database as directed. It will also send transactions to the NMC to ensure that its driver database remains synchronized with the QTRACS database. These transactions ultimately make their way to the mobile units and control the behavior of the Global Login-related features.

Required Parameter Group Details:
(1) Format Name
The format of the information in the input block parameter. Valid values are:

DRV100 Create a Driver . A driver record will be added to the QTRACS Driver Database, and a Global Login transaction will be sent to create the driver record at the NMC.
DRV150 Modify a Driver's Information . The driver record will be modified in the QTRACS Driver Database, and a Global Login transaction will be sent to modify the driver record at the NMC.
DRV200 Request Driver Information from the NMC . A Global Login transaction will be sent to the NMC requesting the driver's record from the NMC. The QTRACS Driver Database will be updated (overlaid) by the contents of the driver record from the NMC. This transaction is used when the QTRACS database and the NMC get out of sync. This should never happen. Note that the driver information is not actually returned by this API call. The latest driver information is always available via the OMVENT API.
DRV400 Delete a Driver . A Global Login transaction will be sent to delete the driver at the NMC. The driver will be deleted from the QTRACS Driver Database when the NMC responds.
DRV500 Request All Driver Information for a Vehicle . A Global Login transaction will be sent to the NMC requesting all driver records for the specified vehicle from the NMC. (Up to 5 drivers may be logged onto a vehicle at any one time.) The QTRACS Driver Database will be updated (overlaid) when the NMC responds. This transaction is used when the QTRACS database and the driver database get out of sync. This should never happen.
DRV700 Private transaction; may only be used by SensorTRACS . This function is used by SensorTRACS when a SensorTRACS ID (MCT Account Password) is changed within the SensorTRACS product. At that time, SensorTRACS calls this API to send a transaction to the NMC to update its driver database with the new SensorTRACS ID.
DRV900 Update the NMC Driver Database . A Global Login add/update transaction will be sent to the NMC for every driver in the QTRACS Driver Database (in order to update the driver records at the NMC). This is a dangerous function. This transaction was designed to be a one-time prime of the NMC database after all drivers already exist in the local database.

(2) Input Block
Variable format data structure that accepts information from the calling program based on the 'format name' parameter. The supported data formats are shown in the shaded tables below.
DRV100 Data Format (Create a Driver)

1-15 Company Identifier(set to blanks) Char(15)
16-25 Driver Identifier (uppercase) Char(10)
26-33 Global Login Password (uppercase) Char(8)
34-63 Driver's Full Name (uppercase) Char(30)
64-72 SensorTRACS ID - only (0...9 allowed) Packed(9,0)

DRV150 Data Format (Modify a Driver's Information)

1-15 Company Identifier(set to blanks) Char(15)
16-25 Driver Identifier (uppercase) Char(10)
26-33 Global Login Password (uppercase) Char(8)
34-63 Driver's Full Name (uppercase) Char(30)

DRV200 Data Format (Request Driver Information from the NMC)

1-15 Company Identifier(set to blanks) Char(15)
16-25 Driver Identifier (uppercase) Char(10)

DRV400 Data Format (Delete a Driver)

1-15 Company Identifier(set to blanks) Char(15)
16-25 Driver Identifier (uppercase) Char(10)

DRV500 Data Format (Request All Driver Information for a Vehicle)

1-15 Company Identifier(set to blanks) Char(15)
16-25 Vehicle Identifier (uppercase) Char(10)

DRV900 Data Format (Update the NMC Driver Database)

1-256 Set to Blanks Char(256)

(3) Return Status
Status value returned to the caller will be set as follows:

0 Success, modify/retrieve request processed
1 Failure, see reason code
2 Failure, data block is invalid
A Failure, API failed when called remotely

(4) Reason Code
This parameter contains a reason code. Possible values returned include;

0001 Driver identifier already exists
0002 Driver identifier does not exist
0003 Driver name not entered
0004 Global Login password not entered
0005 Driver identifier invalid
0006 Driver name invalid
0007 Global Login password invalid
0008 Duplicate QTRACS entity name
0009 Driver identifier and SensorTRACS identifier not allowed to be identical
0010 SensorTRACS identifier is not numeric (must be digits 0 to 9)
0011 Driver not logged onto vehicle
0012 Driver is logged on a vehicle
0013 Delete driver pending
0014 Vehicle identifier does not exist
0015 SensorTRACS identifier prohibited
0016 SensorTRACS API failure
0017 Global Login is not enabled
0103 Driver already defined in SensorTRACS
0105 SensorTRACS identifier already exists
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