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Omnitracs Knowledge Base

Get Next Vehicle - OMNXTVEH

Get Next Vehicle (OMNXTVEH) RI

Required Parameter Group:

1 Vehicle Identifier Input Char(10)
2 Format Name Input Char(6)
3 Return Status Output Char(1)
4 Reason Code Output Char(4)
5 Return Block Output Char(512)

API Overview:
The Get Next Vehicle API (OMNXTVEH) is used to retrieve vehicle information from the QTRACS Vehicle Database. This API allows vehicle information to be retrieved in several ways. Vehicle information may be retrieved by explicitly specifying the vehicle identifier to be returned. Alternately, this API allows an external application to 'play through' all defined vehicles. By specifying *FIRST and *NEXT, the API can be used to return the entire vehicle database in ascending vehicle identifier order.

Required Parameter Group Details:
(1) Vehicle Identifier
This parameter contains the identifier of the vehicle whose information will be returned. Valid values are:

Vehicle Id Returns the record for the specified vehicle
*FIRST Returns the first record from the vehicle file
*NEXT Returns the next record from the file (assumes that the file cursor has been set from a previous call which specified *FIRST or a Vehicle Id).

(2) Format Name
The format of the information to be returned. Valid values are:

VEH100 Vehicle characteristics

(3) Return Status
Status value returned to the caller will be set as follows:

0 Success, vehicle found and returned
1 Failure, no vehicle found
A Failure, API failed when called remotely

(4) Reason Code
This parameter contains a reason code. Possible values returned include;

0000 Vehicle found and information returned
0001 Invalid vehicle identifier specified
0002 No vehicle record found
0003 Invalid format name specified

(5) Return Block
Variable format data structure that returns information to the calling program based on the 'format name' parameter. If the 'return status' parameter is not '0', the contents of this return block are not reliable.

The supported data formats are shown in the shaded tables below.

VEH100 Data Format ( Vehicle characteristics )

1-10 Vehicle Identifier Char(10)
11-11 Entity Type Char(1)
12-35 Vehicle Name Char(24)
36-45 Comm Unit Number Char(10)
46-55 Vehicle Coverage Name Char(10)
56-65 Vehicle Message Group Name
66-72 Position Time Packed(13,0)
73-76 Position Latitude (signed seconds) Packed(7,0)
77-80 Position Longitude (signed seconds) Packed(7,0)
81-84 Mobile Firmware Version Packed(7,2)
85-85 Comm Unit Type (added v6.2)
0 Unknown
3 OmniOne
4 MCP Other
5 MCP050
6 MCP100
7 MCP110
8 MCP200
9 IVG (added v7.1)
86-90 Latitude (degrees) (added v7.0) Packed(9,6)
91-95 Longitude (degrees) (added v7.0) Packed(9,6)
96-98 Vehicle Direction (added v7.0)
Available from MCP-equipped vehicles only.
-999.99 = unknown
99-100 Vehicle Speed (added v7.0)
Available from MCP-equipped vehicles only.
-999 = unknown
101-110 Vehicle Odometer (added v7.0)
Available from MCP-equipped vehicles only.
-999999999.9 = unknown
111-127 VIN (added v7.2) Char(17)
128-137 License Plate Number (added v7.2) Char(10)
138-143 Jurisdiction (added v7.2) Char(6)
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