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Omnitracs Knowledge Base

Manage Vehicle Parameters - OMMCTMGT

Manage Vehicle Parameters (OMMCTMGT) RI

Required Parameter Group:

1 Vehicle Identifier Input Char(10)
2 Format Name Input Char(6)
3 Input Block Input Char(256)
4 Return Status Output Char(1)

API Overview:
The Manage Vehicle Parameters API (OMMCTMGT) is used to enable, disable, or modify parameters for a given QTRACS vehicle. To use, specify a valid format name accompanied with the appropriate data structure. Invalid vehicles, format names and data structure values will be rejected and shown in the return status field.

Required Parameter Group Details:
(1) Vehicle Identifier
This parameter contains the identifier of the vehicle whose parameter will be set.

(2) Format Name
The format of the information in the input block parameter. Valid values are:

MCT100 VIN (added v7.2)
MCT101 License Plate/Jurisdiction (added v7.2)
MCT110 Regular Position Recording
MCT120 Archived Position Recording
MCT200 Power Down Timer
MCT300 Screen Behavior
MCT400 Beep Control
MCT500 Global Time Zone
MCT600 Wakeup Timer
MCT900 Global Login Enable
MCT910 Global Login Number of Retries Threshold
MCT920 Global Login Distance Exceeded Threshold
MCT930 Global Login Time Exceeded Threshold
MCT940 Global Login Beep Interval
MCT950 Global Login Bump Active Driver Threshold
MCT960 Global Login Bump All Drivers Threshold
MCT970 Driver Login Enable
MCT971 Driver Login Need Active Driver Warning Interval

(3) Input Block
Variable format data structure that corresponds to the 'format name' parameter. The supported data formats are shown in the shaded tables below.
MCT100 Data Format ( VIN )

1-17 VIN Char(17)

MCT101 Data Format ( License Plate/Jurisdiction )

1-10 License Plate Number Char(10)
11-16 Jurisdiction(US-CA) Char(6)

MCT110 Data Format ( Regular Position Recording )

1-7 Regular Position Interval(0000000-0599940 secs) Char(7)
8-14 Temporary Interval(0000000-0599940 secs) Char(7)
15-31 Temporary Expiration Date(yymmddhhmmss) Char(17)

MCT120 Data Format ( Archived Position Recording )

1-5 Archived Position Interval(00000 or 00060-64800 secs) Char(5)
6-9 Hours of Operation - 'From' time(hhmm) Char(4)
10-13 Hours of Operation - 'To' time(hhmm) Char(4)
14-25 Expiration Date(yymmddhhmmss) Char(12)
26-26 Suppress Ignition-Off Positions(0=no, 1=yes) Char(1)

MCT200 Data Format ( Power Down Timer )

1-4 Power Down Timer(0000 or 9999 mins)
Specifies the number of minutes the mobile unit remains active after the engine has been turned off.

MCT300 Data Format ( Screen Behavior )

1-2 Screen Behavior
00 *None, disables this feature
01 *Blank, display is blanked while vehicle is in motion
02 *Main, display is frozen on the main menu
03 *Freeze, display is frozen on the current screen, driver may get to the main menu

Note: This block controls screen behavior on the truck display for mobile units equipped with axle sensors. When used with an MCT the 'Home' and 'Freeze' values work the same as 'Blank'. Do not enable this feature for a vehicle that is not equipped with an axle sensor; it completely disables the unit.
MCT400 Data Format ( Beep Control )

1-2 Normal Message Subsequent Beep Timer(00-63 mins)
Specify the number of minutes between beeps after a normal message has been received.
A value of zero ("00") disables subsequent beeps.
Note that leading zeros are required for single digit values.
3-3 Normal Message Subsequent Beep Volume
0 *Driver, follow volume thumbwheel (soft)
1 *Loud, subsequent beeps always loud
2 *Disable, subsequent beeps disabled
4-5 Emergency Message Subsequent Beep Timer(00-63 mins)
Specify the number of minutes between beeps after an emergency message has been received.
A value of zero ("00") disables subsequent beeps.
Note that leading zeros are required for single digit values.
6-6 Emergency Message Subsequent Beep Volume
Same values as normal message subsequent beep volume parameter described above.
7-7 Normal Message Initial Beep Volume
Same values as normal message subsequent beep volume parameter described above.
8-8 Emergency Message Initial Beep Volume
Same values as normal message subsequent beep volume parameter described above.

MCT500 Data Format ( Global Time Zone )

1-3 Time Zone Code
Validated against the time zones in the OMTIMZON file.
Only time zones that are "enabled" are valid.
Note that leading zeros are required for values that are less than three digits.
4-4 In Daylight Savings?(D=daylight savings, S=standard) Char(1)

MCT600 Data Format ( Wakeup Timer )

1-4 Wakeup Timer Interval(0000, 60-9999 mins)
Specify the number of minutes from final power down
(after power down timer expires or turning off after a wakeup) that the mobile unit waits before waking up again.
A value of "0000" disables the timer.
Note that leading zeros are required for values that are less than four digits.
5-8 Total Wakeup Power Time(0000-9999 mins)
Specify the total number of minutes that the mobile unit can be powered on with the ignition off.
This time is the sum of the power down timer value plus all subsequent wakeup times.
It is used as a safety feature for the protection of the battery.
Note that leading zeros are required for values that are less than four digits.

MCT900 Data Format ( Global Login Enable )

1-1 Global Login Enable(0=disable, 1=enable) Char(1)

Note: Global Login functionality is only available for an MCT-equipped vehicle with firmware >= 15.63.
MCT910 Data Format ( Global Login Number of Retries Threshold )

1-3 Number of Retries(000-062 mins, 063=disable) Char(3)

MCT920 Data Format ( Global Login Distance Exceeded Threshold )

1-3 Distance Exceeded Threshold
(000-254 mls, 255=disable)

MCT930 Data Format ( Global Login Time Exceeded Threshold )

1-3 Time Exceeded Threshold(000-254 mins, 255=disable) Char(3)

MCT940 Data Format ( Global Login Beep Interval )

1-3 Beep Interval(000-062 mins, 063=disable) Char(3)

MCT950 Data Format ( Global Login Bump Active Driver Threshold )

1-3 Auto Bump Active Driver(000-254 hours, 255=disable) Char(3)

MCT960 Data Format ( Global Login Bump All Drivers Threshold )

1-3 Auto Bump All Drivers(000-254 hours, 255=disable) Char(3)

MCT970 Data Format ( Driver Login Enable )

1-1 Global Login Enable(0=disable, 1=enable) Char(1)

MCT971 Data Format ( Driver Login Need Active Driver Warning Interval )

1-3 Need Active Driver Warning (000-063, 063=disable) Char(3)

(4) Return Status
Status value returned to the caller will be set as follows:

0 Success, vehicle parameter set and a management packet was sent to the NMC
1 Failure, invalid vehicle identifier specified (vehicle not found)
2 Failure, invalid parameter block specified
3 Failure, invalid data structure value specified
4 Status no longer used
5 Failure, management parameter not valid with the specified vehicle identifier
6 Failure, management parameter disabled at the system level (either QTRACS or NMC)
7 Failure, firmware version does not allow position archiving
8 Success, parameter changed but not sent to the NMC
A Failure, API failed when called remotely
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