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Omnitracs Knowledge Base

Run the Duty Cycle Reset Query

Run a query to see drivers with 60/70 hour rule violations for the selected depot and date range. Results include if there was a duty cycle reset in the last 8 days from the start of the violation. The date range can include only 31 days, and start no more than 6 months back.

  1. Click the Analysis tab.
  2. Click Duty Cycle Reset.
  3. Select the depot to query or select All to include all depots.
  4. Select the date range for the query. You can search up to 31 days at a time, up to six months prior to today.

    Note: The date range defaults to the last two weeks. After you select a different date range, the selected date range is used until you log out.

  5. Click Go to run the query.
  6. In the Summary Table, click a depot name or the count in the Total column to view a list of drivers at that depot who had a 60/70 hour rule violation.

    A table listing drivers at the depot you selected appears.

  7. Click a driver's name to view event detail by driver.

    The Driver Analysis table appears.

  8. Click an event time to see the violation event as a dark red bar in the driver's log.
  9. Click the Back button to drill back up from every level.
  10. Click the spreadsheet icon to export table data to Microsoft Excel.

Related concepts

Duty Cycle Reset

Duty Cycle Reset: Driver Analysis

Duty Cycle Reset: Driver Log

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