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Omnitracs Knowledge Base

Egregious Violations

The Egregious Violations query displays drivers with 11, 14, or 60/70 hour rule violation events that had a duration greater than 180 minutes for the selected depot and date range. This query lists individual events; it does not total the event durations for a driver in a day.

Select the depot to query or select All to include all depots.
Start date/End date
Select the date range for the query. You can search up to 31 days at a time, up to 6 months prior to today. Click the calendar icon to open a pop-up calendar and select a date, then click Go.

Note: The date range defaults to the last two weeks. If you select a different date range, the selected date range is used until you log out.

Summary Table
Column Description
Depot The depot name
Drivers The total number of drivers with at least one egregious violation for the selected date range.
Total Logs A log represents one driver day including all recorded driver activities from midnight to midnight. Total Logs includes off-duty log days, but does not include driver logs with no activity beyond 30 days.

Total Logs is the total number of logs for all active drivers in the depot for the selected date range. For example, if there are 10 drivers in the depot and the date range is 30 days, 10 X 30 = 300 logs.

Note: Newly created drivers are assigned a log start date that is 14 days prior to the date of creation in Hours of Service. If you select a date range that includes any of this time, a new driver may show log days up to 14 days prior to his create date in HOS.

% Logs in Vio. The percent of Total Logs that had at least one egregious violation during the selected date range. This is calculated by dividing the depot's Total Logs by the number of logs from all drivers in that depot with at least one egregious violation.

Note: This calculation does not use the Total count of all driver egregious violations. For example, if a driver has two types of egregious violations on the same day, the count for the day in this calculation is one log violation.

Follow these steps to help you understand the calculation:
  1. In the Summary Table, click the depot's total egregious violations (Violations column).
  2. Click the Total number of egregious violations for a driver.
  3. Under Event Time, count the number of days with a violation. If there is more than one violation on the same day, count that as one day.
  4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 for all drivers in the depot.
  5. Add together the number of days with at least one egregious violation across all of the drivers.
  6. Divide that number of days by the depot's Total logs from the Summary Table.
Violations The total number of egregious violation events in the depot
Avg The average number of drivers with egregious violations for the selected date range, calculated by dividing total violations by the number of drivers.
TOTAL Totals across all listed depots

Click export to export this data to Microsoft Excel.

Click a depot name or the total number of egregious violations to view detailed information by driver for that depot.

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