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Omnitracs Knowledge Base

Egregious Violations: List of Violations

This page displays details about egregious violation events for the selected date range and driver. Depot and date range are listed above the table.

An egregious violation event is an 11, 14, or 60/70 hour rule violation that is greater than 180 minutes in duration. This query lists individual events; it does not total the event durations for a driver in a day.

Column Description
Driver The driver's last name, first name, [driver ID]
Name of Violation The type of violation or exception including: 11hrs, 14hrs, 60/70
Duration For how long the event occurred
Event time The date and time the event began

Click export to export this data to Microsoft Excel.

Click the name of the violation to display only that type of egregious violation for the driver. Click the driver's name to display all of his or her egregious violations.

Click Event Time to see the egregious violation event as it appears (as a dark red bar) in the driver's log.

Click Back above the table to return to the list of egregious violations across depots and select a different depot to view or change the date range.

Related tasks

Run the Egregious Violations Query

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