UpdateDriverEx (Driver Function)
This function updates one driver. Only the values that are specified are updated and the existing values are retained for any field for which no value is specified.
XML Request
The UpdateDriverEx function takes the following input parameters:
Parameter | Type | Optional | Description | Notes |
DriverId | String | N | The driver ID for the driver being updated | |
DriverPortalPin | String | Y | The Driver Protal PIN. Applies to customers that use enhanced Drivers Portal security | |
UpdateDriverId | String | Y | The new driver ID | |
Password | String | Y | The driver's password | |
LastName | String | Y | The driver's last name | |
FirstName | String | Y | The driver's first name | |
DepotId | Short | Y | The ID of the depot to which the driver belongs | |
InOffDutyDrvPolicy | Enum | Y | Specifies if the driver is allowed to drive off duty or not OR Enable/disable driver's use of Personal Conveyance Possible values are: NotAllowed, Allowed. | |
DriverGroup | String | Y | The group that the driver belongs to; if more than one, provide each string on a new line within the <DriverGroup> tag | |
DefaultRuleSet | Enum | Y | The default driving rule set for this driver: USA, Canada, or Canada north of the 60th parallel; possible values are USA, CANMain, CANNorth, USACalifornia, USAFlorida, USATexas, USAAlaska | |
USDefaultDutyCycle | Enum | Y | The driver's default duty cycle for a U.S. rule set; possible values are None (if a Canadian rule set is used), SevenDay, EightDay | |
CANDefaultDutyCycle | Enum | Y | The driver's default duty cycle for a Canadian rule set; possible values are None(if a U.S. rule set is used), SevenDay, FourteenDay | |
WaitingInOilWell | Enum | Y | Flag that determines if a driver can wait in oil well or not. possible values are None (no change), Allowed, NotAllowed | |
TwentyFourHrReset | Enum | Y | Flag that determines if a driver can take 24 hour reset or not. possible values are None (no change), Allowed, NotAllowed | |
HazmatLoadHauler | Enum | Y | Flag that determines if a can carry hazardous loads or not. possible values are None (no change), Allowed, NotAllowed | |
EnableCanadianRules | Enum | Y | Flag indicating whether a driver is permitted to be enabled for Canadian rules. Possible values are None (no change), Allowed, NotAllowed | |
EnableRestBreakExemption | Enum | Y | Flag indicating whether a driver is permitted to be enabled for Rest Break Exemption. Possible values are None (no change), Allowed, NotAllowed | |
EnableSixteenHourExemption | Enum | Y | Flag that determines if a driver is enabled for 16-hour exemption. | If the tag is omitted, no change. |
ELDExempt | Boolean | Y | Flag indicating driver is exempt from ELD requirements | |
ELDExemptReason | String | Y | Up to 60 characters describing the reason, if driver is exempt. Mandatory if driver is exempt; not used otherwise | |
CDL | String | Y | Commercial driver's license number (up to 20 chars) | If the tag is omitted, no change. To clear the value, use: <CDL>Clear</CDL> |
CDLState | Enum | Y | Issuing authority for commercial driver's license | If the tag is omitted, no change. To clear the value, use: <CDLState>Clear</CDLState> |
EnableYardMove | Enum | Y | Enable/disable driver's use of Yard Move. Possible values are Allowed, NotAllowed; |
Feature Enum Table - CDLState
Enum Value |
None |
Alabama |
Alaska |
Arkansas |
Arizona |
California |
Colorado |
Connecticut |
DistrictOfColumbia |
Delaware |
Florida |
Georgia |
Hawaii |
Iowa |
Idaho |
Illinois |
Indiana |
Kansas |
Kentucky |
Louisiana |
Massachusetts |
Maryland |
Maine |
Michigan |
Minnesota |
Missouri |
Mississippi |
Montana |
NorthCarolina |
NorthDakota |
Nebraska |
NewHampshire |
NewJersey |
NewMexico |
Nevada |
NewYork |
Ohio |
Oklahoma |
Oregon |
Pennsylvania |
RhodeIsland |
SouthCarolina |
SouthDakota |
Tennessee |
Texas |
Utah |
Virginia |
Vermont |
Washington |
Wisconsin |
WestVirginia |
Wyoming |
AmericanSamoa |
Guam |
NorthernMarianas |
PuertoRico |
VirginIslands |
Alberta |
BritishColumbia |
Manitoba |
NewBrunswick |
Newfoundland |
NovaScotia |
NorthwestTerritories |
Ontario |
PrinceEdwardIsland |
Quebec |
Saskatchewan |
YukonTerritory |
Aguascalientes |
BajaCaliforniaNorte |
BajaCaliforniaSur |
Coahuila |
Chihuahua |
Colima |
Campeche |
Chiapas |
DistritoFederal |
Durango |
Guerrero |
Guanajuato |
Hidalgo |
Jalisco |
Michoacan |
Morelos |
Mexico |
Nayarit |
NuevoLeon |
Oaxaca |
Puebla |
Queretaro |
QuintanaRoo |
Sinaloa |
SanLuisPotosi |
Sonora |
Tamaulipas |
Tabasco |
Tlaxcala |
Veracruz |
Yucatan |
Zacatecas |
Other |
<soap:Body> <UpdateDriverEx xmlns=""> <updateParams> <Driver> <DriverId>string</DriverId> <DriverPortalPin>string</DriverPortalPin> <UpdateDriverId>string</UpdateDriverId> <Password>string</Password> <LastName>string</LastName> <FirstName>string</FirstName> <DepotId>string</DepotId> <DriverGroup> <string>string</string> <string>string</string> </DriverGroup> <InOffDutyDrvPolicy>None or NotAllowed or Allowed</InOffDutyDrvPolicy> <DefaultRuleSet>None or USA or CANMain or CANNorth or USACalifornia or USAFlorida or USATexas or USAAlaska</DefaultRuleSet> <USDefaultDutyCycle>None or SevenDay or EightDay</USDefaultDutyCycle> <CANDefaultDutyCycle>None or SevenDay or FourteenDay</CANDefaultDutyCycle> <WaitingInOilWell>None or NotAllowed or Allowed</WaitingInOilWell> <TwentyFourHrReset>None or NotAllowed or Allowed</TwentyFourHrReset> <HazmatLoadHauler>None or NotAllowed or Allowed</HazmatLoadHauler> <EnableCanadianRules>None or NotAllowed or Allowed</EnableCanadianRules> <EnableRestBreakExemption>None or NotAllowed or Allowed</EnableRestBreakExemption> <EnableSixteenHourExemption>None or NotAllowed or Allowed</EnableSixteenHourExemption> <ELDExempt>True or False</ELDExempt> <ELDExemptReason>string</ELDExemptReason> <CDL>string</CDL> <CDLState>Enum</CDLState> <EnableYardMove>NotAllowed or Allowed</EnableYardMove> </Driver> </updateParams> </UpdateDriverEx> </soap:Body>
XML Response
The return result contains the Boolean parameter <UpdateResult>
, which indicates whether the update was successful (true
) or not (false
<soap:Body> <UpdateDriverExResponse xmlns=""> <UpdateDriverExResult> <IsUpdated>boolean</IsUpdated> </UpdateDriverExResult> </UpdateDriverExResponse> </soap:Body>