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Omnitracs Knowledge Base


UpdateDriverGroup (Driver Function)

This function updates the details of a driver group record. Both the group name and depot name that the group has been assigned to can be changed. The new depot that is being specified has to be created first if it does not exist.

XML Request

The UpdateDriverGroup function takes the following request parameters:

Parameter Type Description Mandatory/Optional Default Value (If you have to specify one)
existingValues.GroupName String Name of the driver group that has to be modified Mandatory NO DEFAULT
existingValues.DepotName String Name of the depot to which the above driver group was assigned to Optional "null"
newValues.GroupName String Name to which the above driver groups name needs to be changed. If there is no change, please specify the existing value Mandatory NO DEFAULT
newValues.DepotName String Name of the depot to which the above driver group need to be assigned. If not specified or "null" is specified then it retains the original value Optional "null"
    <UpdateDriverGroup xmlns="">  

XML Response

The return result indicates success or failure boolean value.

    <UpdateDriverGroupResponse xmlns="">  
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