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Omnitracs Knowledge Base

Tire Pressure Details Table

The table portion of the page presents information about the vehicle whose data is presented. The graphic shows the status for each tire.


Table Values


Field Description Default Valid Values
Overall Condition A summary description of the vehicle's overall tire status. n/a Normal, Critical, Cautionary, Not Reporting
Driver ID The driver ID associated with this vehicle. n/a
If the vehicle has a driver logged in, this field shows the ID for the active driver.
Displayed if the vehicle does not have an active driver logged in.
Vehicle ID Vehicle ID n/a Text
UA The Unit Address (Serial Number) of the mobile device installed on the vehicle. n/a A numeric identifier
VIN The vehicle's Vehicle Identification Number. n/a Text, or empty if no VIN was provided during vehicle configuration.
Last Report When the mobile unit last reported tire status. n/a Date/Time value
Report Reason Why the mobile unit sent its last report. n/a For example, State Change, Ignition On/Off, Periodic.
Odometer The vehicle's odometer reading at the time of the last report. n/a Numeric value
Location A link to a map showing where the vehicle was at the time of the last report Map Details Map Details
Trailer UA Trailer Unit Address. n/a A numeric value, or empty if trailer data was not included in the last report.
Vendor Detected The vendor of the tire pressure monitoring equipment installed on the vehicle n/a If the equipment reports the name of its vendor, that name is displayed here. If no name is reported, the value shown is Doran/Other. (The Doran equipment does not report the vendor name, so the system assumes the equipment is from Doran if no name is reported.)
Tires Reported The number of tires reporting their inflation status. n/a A numeric value



Data Definitions for Tire Pressure Status


Cautionary Tire Pressure Alert

A Cautionary tire pressure alert indicates that the MCP has detected a pressure alert from the TPM sensor. The threshold values defining a cautionary (vs. critical) alert are determined by the third-party TPM equipment. These values and how they are set may vary from one manufacturer to another.

Critical Tire Pressure Alert

A Critical tire pressure alert indicates that the MCP has detected a pressure alert from the TPM sensor. The threshold values defining a critical (vs. cautionary) alert, are determined by the third-party TPM equipment. These values and how they are set may vary from one manufacturer to another.

Not Reporting (Tire Pressure Alert)

In the context of the Tire Pressure, not reporting means the vehicles in question have reported no tire pressure data for the time period specified.

Vehicle ID

The ID you assigned to the vehicle when you configured it for the Services Portal. If you did not assign an ID, the Vehicle ID is the same as the UA.

Vehicle Identification Number (VIN)

The Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) as it was entered when the vehicle was configured for the Services Portal.

Report Reason (Tire Pressure Monitoring)

The mobile unit can send a tire pressure report for several reasons. Depending on the mobile unit's configuration, it may send a report upon Ignition On/Off, State Change, or at specified intervals (Periodic).

Vendor (Tire Pressure Monitoring)

The vendor who manufactured the tire pressure equipment that initiated the tire pressure event. If the equipment does not report a manufacturer name, the vendor shown is Doran/Other. (The Doran equipment does not report the vendor name, so the system assumes the equipment is from Doran if no name is reported.)


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