Unconfirmed Logs
The Unconfirmed Logs report allows you to view all drivers in a group who have not confirmed their logs within the specified period of time.
Note: This report displays only those drivers the user can view as defined under the User Depot Access permissions.
Generating the Report
- Select the Reports tab to open the Reports window.
- Select Unconfirmed Logs. The report parameters window opens.
- Choose Select by driver ID to generate a report for a specific driver; choose Select by driver group to generate a report for a group of drivers. Depending on your selection, the next field is either Driver ID or Driver Group.
- Enter the Driver ID or select a Driver Group from the drop-down list.
- In the Days Ago field, enter the minimum number of days of unconfirmed logs a driver must have in order to appear in the report.
- Select a report format from the drop-down list. You can view, export, and/or print your report in one of the following formats:
- Excel (spreadsheet)
- HTML (best for viewing)
- PDF (best for printing)
- Select View Report to run the report.