Summary/Dashboard: Depot Analysis
This page displays a list of all violations and exceptions for the selected depot, driver, and date range. Depot and date range are listed above the table.
Click a table column heading to sort by that column.
Column | Description |
Driver | The driver's last name, first name, [driver ID] |
Depot | The depot the driver is assigned to |
Event Type | Type of violation or exception including: RestBreak, 11hrs, 14hrs, 60/70, Pers Conv, Daily Reset, Sensor Failure, Passenger Rule |
Duration | For how long the event occurred |
Event time | The date and time the event began |
TOTAL | Total duration of all events at the depot |
Click to export this data to Microsoft Excel.
Click the driver name to see a summary of events for that driver. Click the depot name to display all drivers at the depot with events.
Click Event Time to see the event as a dark red bar in the driver's log.
Click <BACK above the table to return to the list of violations and exceptions across depots and select a different depot to view or change the date range.
Related tasks
Run the Summary/Dashboard Query