Run the Personal Conveyance Query
Run a query to see a list of Personal Conveyance events that occurred for the selected depot and date range.
- Click the Analysis tab.
- Click Personal Conveyance.
- Select the depot to query or select All to include all depots.
- Select the date range for the query. You can search up to 31 days at a time, up to six months prior to today.
Note: The date range defaults to the last two weeks. If you select a different date range, the selected date range is used until you log
- Click Go to run the query.
- In the Summary Table, click a depot name to view personal conveyance events by driver for that depot. The List of Exceptions table appears.
- You can:
- Click a driver's name to see just the personal conveyance events for that driver. Click the depot name to redisplay all driver personal conveyance events.
- Click an event time to see the personal conveyance events as a dark red bar in the driver's log.
- Click the Back button to drill back up from every level.
- Click the spreadsheet icon to export table data to Microsoft Excel.