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Omnitracs Knowledge Base

Hours of Service 5.5 Release Notes

Patch 5.5.127

For the patch release in April 2018, the following updates were made.

eRODS and ELD Driver Log Report File Fixes and Enhancements

  • The eRODS file (header and power events) displays all loads and trailers for the driver and that day and record duplications were eliminated.
  • On the host, an eRODS file cannot be generated when a driver was not associated with an ELD-capable device during the requested time frame. This is done to ensure that an eRODS file can be properly generated and transmitted to the FMCSA website.
  • General eRODS file fixes and improvements.
  • The ELD Driver Log report now runs even if there are pending clockin/clockout events from the Driver Portal.
  • The ELD Driver Log report is fixed to ensure that all clock in/out events are included.

Performance Enhancements

  • Driver detail tab slowness experienced by several customers is now vastly improved.
  • Saving edits slowness experienced by several customers is now vastly improved.

Other Fixes and Enhancements

  • The failure response to the web service AddEx is more descriptive.
  • Fixed an issue where a black "X" icon would be seen on Driver Details tab after an Unknown Driving Event assignment was accepted.
  • Protective code to handle driving segments sent from the mobile with bad distance information.
  • Both non-driving locations are editable for drive-time swaps and for split edits of non-driving segments.
  • Personal conveyance records created on any type of AOBRD may be edited to any other duty status.
  • Off-Duty Driving no longer shows on the Odometer Jump report.

Main Release - Overview

The changes described in this document cover the 5.5 Hours of Service release, including updates to the Hours of Service Driver Portal.

In this release, Hours of Service disables forecasting. That means that, when a non-Canadian mobile is out of communication with the back-end for over 90 minutes (generating a communication sensor failure, CSF) and the driver has a last known duty status of any type of driving (including personal conveyance or yard move), the host moves the driver into a transient on-duty status and indicates a sensor failure until the mobile communicates again. The transient on-duty status is removed after communication is reestablished and is replaced by the driver’s activities as recorded on the mobile. By disabling forecasting, situations where drivers are stuck in a “false driving” duty status are minimized.

AOBRDs (units that do not have the ELD-compliant firmware installed) used in areas that have GSM terrestrial coverage only (Canada, Mexico, some areas in the US) will show occasional invalid CSFs. ELDs, AOBRD Mode units, and AOBRDs in CDMA coverage are not vulnerable to these false CSF alerts.

Features and Enhancements

  • Several reports and web services, including the driver log report, have been enhanced to correctly display personal conveyance and yard move.
  • Host users may now send eRODS via email.


  • In Hours of Service host interface under Driver Details, the personal conveyance text displays differently from off-duty driving text.
  • The Hours of Service Driver Portal interface, the personal conveyance text displays differently from off-duty driving text.
  • Off duty records associated with personal conveyance are no longer reported as being on AOBRD devices.
  • Host users are now able to set drivers as ELD-exempt.
  • The message displayed on the mobile when a driver attempts to claim unassigned drive time that has already been allocated to a driver has been improved to read: “Cannot find a matching unassigned record, therefore cannot assign this record to driver.” The previous message follows.

Web Services

Several web services in the tables below that return duty statuses may now also return the ELD-specific statuses Yard Move and Personal Conveyance. These new values are only returned if the “TimeResolutionInSeconds” tag is set to true in the request.

For more information on web services in this and prior releases, go here:

To ensure that integration is not affected by this release, the DriverLogQueueEX family of web services calls continues to show the drive segment even if under CSF.

HOS Web Services North America API

Web Service Tag Meaning
CanadaDriverLogReport CanadaDriverLogReport CanadaDriverLogReport CurrentActivity Adding new duty statuses (Personal Conveyance and Yard Move)
CanadaDriverLogReport CanadaDriverLogReport CanadaDriverLogReport OnDutyNotDriving Yard Move durations will be included
CanadaDriverLogReport CanadaDriverLogReport CanadaDriverLogReport OffDuty Personal Conveyance durations will be included
CanadaDriverLogReport2 CanadaDriverLogReport2 CanadaDriverLogReport2 CurrentActivity Adding new duty statuses (Personal Conveyance and Yard Move)
CanadaDriverLogReport2 CanadaDriverLogReport2 CanadaDriverLogReport2 OnDutyNotDriving Yard Move durations will be included
CanadaDriverLogReport2 CanadaDriverLogReport2 CanadaDriverLogReport2 OffDuty Personal Conveyance durations will be included in OffDuty
DriverLogQueue Activity Adding new duty statuses (Personal Conveyance and Yard Move)
DriverLogQueueEx Activity Adding new duty statuses (Personal Conveyance and Yard Move)
DriverLogQueueByGroup Activity Adding new duty statuses (Personal Conveyance and Yard Move)
DriverLogQueueByGroupEx Activity Adding new duty statuses (Personal Conveyance and Yard Move)
ExportDriverLog Activity Adding new duty statuses (Personal Conveyance and Yard Move)
ExportDriver Activity Adding new duty statuses (Personal Conveyance and Yard Move)
ExportDriver TodayOnDuty Yard Move durations will be included
ExportDriver TodayOffDuty Personal Conveyance durations will be included
ExportDriver YesterdayOnDuty Yard Move durations will be included
ExportDriver YesterdayOffDuty Personal Conveyance durations will be included
ExportDriverByDepotId Activity Adding new duty statuses (Personal Conveyance and Yard Move)
ExportDriverByDepotId TodayOnDuty Yard Move durations will be included
ExportDriverByDepotId TodayOffDuty Personal Conveyance durations will be included
ExportDriverByDepotId YesterdayOnDuty Yard Move durations will be included
ExportDriverByDepotId YesterdayOffDuty Personal Conveyance durations will be included
USDriverLogReport CurrentActivity Adding new duty statuses (Personal Conveyance and Yard Move)
USDriverLogReport OnDutyNotDriving Yard Move durations will be included
USDriverLogReport OffDuty Personal Conveyance durations will be included
USDriverLogReport2 CurrentActivity Adding new duty statuses (Personal Conveyance and Yard Move)
USDriverLogReport2 OnDutyNotDriving Yard Move durations will be included
USDriverLogReport2 OffDuty Personal Conveyance durations will be included
AddEx InOffDutyDrvPolicy Enable/disable driver's use of Personal Conveyance
AddEx EnableYardMove Enable/disable driver's use of Yard Move
AddWithCarrierName InOffDutyDrvPolicy Enable/disable driver's use of Personal Conveyance
AddWithCarrierName EnableYardMove Enable/disable driver's use of Yard Move
UpdateDriverEx InOffDutyDrvPolicy Enable/disable driver's use of Personal Conveyance
UpdateDriverEx EnableYardMove Enable/disable driver's use of Yard Move
UpdateEx InOffDutyDrvPolicy Enable/disable driver's use of Personal Conveyance
UpdateEx EnableYardMove Enable/disable driver's use of Yard Move
Get EnableYardMove Driver's setting for use of Yard Move

HOS Web Services United States API

Web Service Tag Meaning
GetDriverExportData Activity Adding new duty statuses (Personal Conveyance and Yard Move)
GetDriverExportData TodayOnDuty Yard Move durations will be included
GetDriverExportData TodayOffDuty Personal Conveyance durations will be included
GetDriverExportData YesterdayOnDuty Yard Move durations will be included
GetDriverExportData YesterdayOffDuty Personal Conveyance durations will be included
GetDriverExportEx Activity Adding new duty statuses (Personal Conveyance and Yard Move)
GetDriverExportEx TodayOnDuty Yard Move durations will be included
GetDriverExportEx TodayOffDuty Personal Conveyance durations will be included
GetDriverExportEx YesterdayOnDuty Yard Move durations will be included
GetDriverExportEx YesterdayOffDuty Personal Conveyance durations will be included
GetDriverExportDataExStartAt Activity Adding new duty statuses (Personal Conveyance and Yard Move)
GetDriverExportDataExStartAt TodayOnDuty Yard Move durations will be included
GetDriverExportDataExStartAt TodayOffDuty Personal Conveyance durations will be included
GetDriverExportDataExStartAt YesterdayOnDuty Yard Move durations will be included
GetDriverExportDataExStartAt YesterdayOffDuty Personal Conveyance durations will be included
GetDriverLogExportData Activity Adding new duty statuses (Personal Conveyance and Yard Move)




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Omnitracs endeavors to ensure that the information in this document is correct and fairly stated, but Omnitracs is not liable for any errors or omissions. Published information may not be up to date, and it is important to confirm current status with Omnitracs. Specifications subject to change without notice.

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