Fuel Event Details
Fuel Event Details
The Fuel Event Details screen displays the location map of the fuel check and the fuel level status in blue, black, and red or green bar graphs.
A blue bar graph indicates the fuel percentage before the fuel check.
A black bar graph indicates the current fuel percentage at the time of the fuel check.
A red or green bar graph indicates the delta fuel percentage from before the check to the current state of the check. Red indicates a decrease in fuel; green indicates an increase. Increase events are only checked if the incoming message was from an "ignition on" and the previous message was from an "ignition off." However, decrease events are checked regardless of the report reason or the ignition status.
Just below the Fuel Event Summary at the bottom of the screen, the Reviewed checkbox allows the reviewer to indicate that this fuel check was reviewed. Next to that, the reviewer may add comments in the Comment field.
Click Close to close the detail screen without saving changes; click Save to save the detail screen.