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Omnitracs Knowledge Base

Work with Messages - OMWWMSG

Work with Messages (OMWWMSG)

Required Parameter Group:

1 Mailbox Identifier Input Char(10)
2 Sender / Receiver Filter Input Char(11)
3 Begin Date Input Char(22)
4 Initial View Indicator Input Char(1)

API Overview:
The Work with Messages API (OMWWMSG) presents a standard work-with panel allowing the user to display and manage messages in his mailbox. (A user's mailbox contains all messages that he has either sent or received.) This panel is the primary user interface to the QTRACS messaging functions, all of which may be invoked from this panel. For example, this API may be used to read unseen messages, re-read seen messages, mark messages for later resolution, claim responsibility for a message, delete a message, print a message, forward a message, re-send a message, or to send a new message.

Required Parameter Group Details:
(1) Mailbox Identifier
This parameter controls which messages will be presented to the user. A wildcard of *CURRENT instructs the API to present the current user's messages. Otherwise, the desired mailbox may be passed via this parameter. This parameter is usually a user name, truck name, or an external application name.

(2) Sender / Receiver Filter
This parameter further controls which messages will be presented to the user. A wildcard of *ALL instructs the API to present all messages in the indicated mailbox. Otherwise, if a filter is specified, only those messages that are to/from that entity will be displayed. For example, a mailbox id of 'JOE' and a sender/receiver filter of 'TRUCK-10' would display all of the messages that comprise the conversation between JOE and TRUCK-10.

(3) Begin Date
This parameter supplies the API with an initial position-to date. If non-blank, this date will be used to pre-position the desired date to the top of the work-with panel. This date is interpreted appropriately within the context of user's ascending/descending preference.

(4) Initial View Indicator
This parameter further controls which messages will be presented to the user. Valid values are:

Y Presents the Unseen Only view; regardless of the user's preference
N Presents the Normal view; regardless of the user's preference
A Presents the All Messages view; regardless of the user's preference
blank Presents the initial view according to the user's Default Message View preference

Note that not all mailbox types support all views. For instance, a vehicle mailbox does not have an Unseen Only view; therefore, calling this program with a vehicle in the Mailbox ID, and Y in the Initial View Indicator would cause the Initial View to be ignored.

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