Set Vehicle's Next Stop - OMSETSTP
Set Vehicle's Next Stop (OMSETSTP) RI
Required Parameter Group:
1 | Function Code | Input | Char(1) |
2 | Vehicle Identifier | Input | Char(10) |
3 | Place Identifier | Input | Packed(7,0) |
4 | Place Alias | Input | Char(10) |
5 | Place Name | Input | Char(25) |
6 | Place State Abbreviation | Input | Char(2) |
7 | Next Stop Timestamp | Input | Packed(13,0) |
8 | Return Status | Output | Char(1) |
API Overview:
The Set Vehicle's Next Stop API (OMSETSTP) is used to set the next scheduled trip stop information in the QTRACS Vehicle Database. This API provides a reliable, and easy to use mechanism for external applications to update next stop information for any QTRACS vehicle. Additionally, the user may change the current next stop or enter a new next stop, which will promote the old data to the last stop information.
This API requires that a given vehicle's next stop be a known QTRACS 'Place ID'. In other words, the place must already exist in the QTRACS Place Database. When calling this API, the place may be specified in one of the following four ways. Regardless of the method used, the API must be able to resolve the passed information to one and only one place.
1) A place ID, or 2) A cross reference value (alias/customer), or 3) A cross reference value (alias/customer) along with a place name and state, or 4) A place name and state.
Required Parameter Group Details:
(1) Function Code
This parameter is a function code that instructs the API what action to perform. Valid values are:
C | Change the current next stop information |
P | Promote the current next stop to the last stop information and add new next stop information |
(2) Vehicle Identifier
This parameter contains the vehicle identifier whose next stop information is to be updated.
(3) Place Identifier
This parameter contains the place identifier specifying the next stop. This field is optional but when it is left blank at least one of the following three fields must contain enough information to derive a valid place identifier.
(4) Place Alias
This parameter contains the place alias specifying the next stop. This field is optional but when included it is used to derive a valid place identifier.
(5) Place Name
This parameter contains the place name specifying the next stop. This field is optional but when included it is used in conjunction with the state field to derive a valid place identifier.
(6) Place State Abbreviation
This parameter contains the place state used in conjunction with the place name to specifying the next stop. This field is optional.
(7) Next Stop Timestamp
This parameter contains the next stop date/time.
(8) Return Status
Status value returned to the caller will be set as follows:
0 | Success, next stop updated successfully |
1 | Failure, invalid function code input |
2 | Failure, invalid date/time input |
3 | Failure, vehicle identifier input was not found |
4 | Failure, place identifier not found or could not be derived |
5 | Failure, specified place information does not resolve to a unique place |
A | Failure, API failed when called remotely |