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Omnitracs Knowledge Base

Get Macro Template Information - OMGMACT

Get Macro Template Information (OMGMACT) RI

Required Parameter Group:

1 Macro Direction Input Char(1)
2 Macro Number Input Packed(3,0)
3 Macro Version Output Packed(3,0)
4 Template Length Output Packed(5,0)
5 Template Output Char(1900)
6 Return Status Output Char(1)

API Overview:
The Get Macro Template API (OMGMACT) provides the means to retrieve an existing macro template definition from the QTRACS Macro Database. The caller must pass a specific macro number and its direction (a forward or return macro). The API returns the associated macro template in QTRACS 'internal form'. This form is not readable by a human. This API was developed for use by external applications (i.e. QMI) that desire to dynamically parse return messages.

Required Parameter Group Details:
(1) Macro Direction
This parameter must contain the direction of the macro template to be retrieved. Valid values are:

F Forward
R Return

(2) Macro Number
This parameter must contain the macro number of the macro template to be retrieved.

(3) Macro Version
This parameter contains the macro version number of the macro template being returned.

(4) Template Length
This parameter contains the length of the macro template being returned.

(5) Template
This parameter contains the macro definition template in proprietary QTRACS internal form. Note that the contents of the template field are not guaranteed to be backward compatible with every QTRACS release. If the internal form of the QTRACS macro template should change, then this form will change as well.

(6) Return Status
Status value returned to the caller will be set as follows:

0 Success, macro template found and returned
1 Failure, macro template not found
A Failure, API failed when called remotely
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