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Omnitracs Knowledge Base

Attach Vehicle Position Data Stream - OMPOSCON

Attach Vehicle Position Data Stream (OMPOSCON)

Required Parameter Group:

1 External Application Identifier Input Char(10)
2 Proximity Reference Style Input Char(1)
3 Domestic Regular Position Type Input Char(1)
4 Domestic Regular Out-of-Coverage Position Type Input Char(1)
5 Domestic Archive Position Type Input Char(1)
6 Domestic Archive Out-of-Coverage Position Type Input Char(1)
7 Domestic Arrival Position Type Input Char(1)
8 Domestic Message Send Position Type Input Char(1)
9 Auxiliary Regular Position Type Input Char(1)
10 Return Status Output Char(1)
11 Reason Code Output Char(4)

API Overview:
The Attach Vehicle Position Data Stream API (OMPOSCON) provides a mechanism for linking vehicle position data streams to external applications. The external application must already exist in the QTRACS/400 database to use this API.

Required Parameter Group Details:
(1) External Application Identifier
This parameter must contain a unique external application ID. The external application must already be registered in QTRACS.

(2) Proximity Reference Style
This parameter must contain a code for setting the proximity reference style. Valid values are:


(3) Domestic Regular Position Type
This parameter must contain a code for setting the domestic regular position type. Valid values are:

L Link this vehicle position type
U Unlink this vehicle position type
blank No change

(4) Domestic Regular Out-of-Coverage Position Type
This parameter must contain a code for setting the domestic regular out-of-coverage position type. Valid values are:

L Link this vehicle position type
U Unlink this vehicle position type
blank No change

(5) Domestic Archive Position Type
This parameter must contain a code for setting the domestic archive position type. Valid values are:

L Link this vehicle position type
U Unlink this vehicle position type
blank No change

(6) Domestic Archive Out-of-Coverage Position Type
This parameter must contain a code for setting the domestic archive out-of-coverage position type. Valid values are:

L Link this vehicle position type
U Unlink this vehicle position type
blank No change

(7) Domestic Arrival Position Type
This parameter must contain a code for setting the domestic arrival GPS macro position type. Valid values are:

L Link this vehicle position type
U Unlink this vehicle position type
blank No change

(8) Domestic Message Send Position Type
This parameter must contain a code for setting the domestic message send GPS macro position type. Valid values are:

L Link this vehicle position type
U Unlink this vehicle position type
blank No change

(9) Auxiliary Regular Position Type
This parameter must contain a code for setting the auxiliary regular position type. Valid values are:

L Link this vehicle position type
U Unlink this vehicle position type
blank No change

(10) Return Status
Status value returned to the caller will be set as follows:

0 Success
1 Failure, see reason code.

(11) Reason Code
This parameter contains a reason code. Possible values returned include;

0000 OK, no change
0001 OK, at least one change occurred
0011 external application ID does not exist
0012 proximity reference style invalid
0013 linkage function code invalid
0014 total linked external applications will exceed the maximum limit of 100
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