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Omnitracs Knowledge Base

Incident Search Panel

The following fields, along with the GO button, let you filter the list of incidents shown on the incidents list.

Driver ID
The identification number the driver uses, if available, to logon to the SensorTRACS (tm) software on the mobile unit.
Vehicle ID
The identification number the company has assigned to the vehicle.
The State field allows you to track which incidents have been reviewed by someone in your company. Your company can use (or not use) the State field however it pleases, but most companies set the State to reviewed after a CER user has reviewed the incident. CER automatically sets all new incidents to New.
Start date
Start date for your incident search. Use mm/dd/yyyy format. Start and end dates are inclusive in searches.
End date
End date for your incident search. Use mm/dd/yyyy format. Start and end dates are inclusive in searches.
Use filter
Optionally, select a predefined filter of one or more event types: Manual, Hard braking, Lane departure (Left/Right), Lane departure (Disabled), Following Time, Forward Collision Warning, or Stability control. Filters are defined by system administrators on the Administration: Filters tab.
To start your search, click GO.
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