Incident Summary Report
The Incident Summary Report shows you the summary information about incidents for a specific time period. Only selected, authorized vehicles are included in the report based on your global group filter selection. You can view and change your global group filter by clicking the linked text on the upper, right below your name.
To view the report, select your search criteria as described below, then click View.
Report Options
- Vehicle
- The identifier your company assigned to the vehicle. If the ID is not available the serial number from the mobile unit displays.
- Driver
- The ID of the logged-in driver. This field is blank if you do not include a Driver ID in your options.
- State
- The State field allows you to track which incidents have been reviewed by someone in your company. Your company may or may not use the State field, but most companies set the State to reviewed after a CER user has reviewed the incident. CER automatically sets all new incidents to New.
- Start Date / End Date
- Select the start and end dates to include in the report.
- Use filter
- Optionally, select a predefined filter of one or more available event types (for example, manual, hard braking, and so forth). Filters are defined by system administrators on the Administration: Filters tab.
- Format
- You can choose to view the report in either PDF or CSV (comma separated values) format. Choose CSV to download to a spreadsheet such as Excel.
Report Details
At the top of the Incident Summary Report is the Search Criteria used to generate the report. A pie chart summarizes the number of each type of incident found.
- Trigger
- The event type for this incident: for example, manual, hard braking, stability control and so forth.
- Vehicle
- The ID for the vehicle involved in the incident.
- Driver
- The ID of the driver.
- Time
- The moment the incident occurred in the local time zone of the logged-in user. This time is recorded by the mobile unit when the trigger event occurs.
- Occurred at
- The location where the incident occurred.
- In unusual situations, the location may be where the mobile unit sent the report rather than where the actual incident occurred.
- You can distinguish between the two locations by looking at the map tab for the incident details page. The incident location is marked by a truck icon. The location where the mobile unit sent the critical event report is marked by an envelope icon.
- Trigger data
- Displays data relevant to the trigger event:
- For hard braking incidents, reports the deceleration rate in MPH per second.
- For lane departure warning incidents, reports the number of lane departure events for this incident, the time period (in seconds) over which they occurred, and whether they were left, right, or disable events.
- For stability control events, reports a count of the individual messages within the incident.
- For following time events, reports the total number of seconds that the vehicle followed another vehicle by fewer than 3 seconds.
- For manual incidents, following time, and forward collision warnings, this column is empty.
- Speed
- The speed at which the vehicle was traveling when the incident occurred.
- State
- The State field allows you to track which incidents have been reviewed by someone in your company. Your company may or may not use the State field, but most companies set the State to reviewed after a CER user has reviewed the incident. CER automatically sets all new incidents to New.
- Web Service
- Indicates whether this incident has been sent to the CER web service.