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Omnitracs Knowledge Base

Critical Event Reporting 6.9 Release Notes

These release notes describe changes to the Omnitracs Critical Event Reporting (CER) host software scheduled for release in the late Spring of 2017.

For previous release notes, click here.

System Requirements and Upgrade Information

Ensure Browser Loads Newest Version of Services Portal

It is highly recommended that you clear temporary Internet files before you log in for the first time after the upgrade. Press Ctrl+Shift+Delete to open your browser’s history control panel then check the box for temporary internet files or caches. Click delete or clear to confirm your choice then close and reopen your browser. This will ensure your browser is loading the newest version of the Services Portal pages. For more information about this process, including browser specific instructions, see the Omnitracs quick reference card on the subject.

Critical Event Video Enhancements and Bug Fixes

Attribute Prerequisite Description
eventKey Always sent A unique identifier for the incident.
eventUrl Always sent A URL to view the incident details on the CER Portal.
equipment Always sent Uniquely defines a piece of equipment and its type.
cerEventStatus Always sent Current viewed status of the incident. Values are:
eventVideoKey Only sent if incident contains video Unique identifier for the manifest of video segments.
totalVideoSegments Only sent if incident contains video Total number of video segments for the incident.
availableVideoSegments Only sent if incident contains video Available number of video segments for the incident.
eventNotesAdded Only sent if notes have been added to incident The note that was added to an incident.

For more information visit the ESS Transaction page on the Critical Event Reporting Developer’s wiki at: Due to a Services Portal dependency, this new transaction will not be available until after Services Portal 3.0 is released this spring.

  • A new ESS transaction was created to provide notification of updates or status changes for Critical Events, providing more detailed insight into the status of video for critical events. The new transaction, T.3.12.0 is sent whenever there is an update for an incident such as a status change, adding notes to an incident, or if a new video segment for the incident is received. The new transaction may contain the following attributes:
  • Prequel, sequel, and user download requests of critical event videos are now displayed in the history tab for the associated incidents.
  • The time and date of the critical event are now displayed on the critical event video.
  • Fixed an issue where the spark line sometimes displayed an incorrect start time for the incident if there were not an equal number of front and rear video segments.
  • Fixed an issue where users were able to request video before the host had received a manifest.
  • A new error message, “Status: Target time cannot be greater than current time,” was added to the video request function for when users request a video for a future date or time.
  • Fixed an issue where the map tab of an incident created by a user request for video was showing a location in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean instead of a zoomed out map of the United States.
  • Fixed the formatting of the error message shown when users without proper permissions attempt to view a video. Now the error message is shown all on one line and states “User is not permitted to view videos.”
  • Fixed an issue where the history tab was not properly recording and showing all actions taken when the status or note for an incident was changed.

Minor Enhancements and Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where events marked as invalid were being shown as new in the Incident Summery and Incident Summary with Historical Notes reports.
  • Added an error message for IE9 users that maps are not supported for that browser.
  • Fixed an issue where popup messages were not displaying properly on the maps in the Incident pane.
  • Fixed an issue where maps were not displaying when using compatibility view in IE10 and IE11.
  • Fixed an issue where users could enter decimals for the Lane Departure and Lane Departure Warning filters, which would then generate an error when saving the filter. Now, only whole numbers between 0-100 can be entered.
  • Fixed an issue where users could enter decimals for the Stability Control filter, which would then generate an error when saving the filter. Now, only whole numbers between 0-255 can be entered.
  • Fixed an issue where zooming in or out on the map could cause display issues on the map.

Known Issues

  • Critical event incidents are displayed in the Incidents list and in reports in the time zone of the local computer accessing the information instead of using the company or user time zone settings from the Customer Portal or Services Portal.
  • The sort function does not work properly when users click the Occurred At column in the incident list.
  • When a user tries to zoom in to the lowest level on the map, the map does not render completely.
  • The play back error message shows up when a video is uploaded incorrectly, which may make it seem like video is available when it is not.
  • The email notifications for completed/failed/not_available for prequel/sequel requests and custom requests lists all times in PDT regardless of user or company settings or location.
  • When downloading a pdf report of any type (Driver Incident Count, Incident Summary, etc.), the file is named "reporting" instead of naming it by the type of report.
  • When a user unpairs the camera from the MCP, the icon is not being updated to the red crossed out icon in the Critical Event Reporting application.


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