Critical Event Reporting 6.8 Release Notes
These release notes describe changes to the Omnitracs Critical Event Reporting (CER) host software scheduled for release in the late Fall of 2016.
For previous release notes, click here.
System Requirements and Upgrade Information
Ensure Browser Loads Newest Version of Services Portal
It is highly recommended that you clear temporary Internet files before you log in for the first time after the upgrade. Press Ctrl+Shift+Delete to open your browser’s history control panel then check the box for temporary internet files or caches. Click delete or clear to confirm your choice then close and reopen your browser. This will ensure your browser is loading the newest version of the Services Portal pages. For more information about this process, including browser specific instructions, see the Omnitracs quick reference card on the subject.
Critical Event Video Enhancements and Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue where the spark line would sometimes display incorrect start times if the front and rear cameras did not have the same number of video segments.
- Fixed an issue where the sort function was not working properly for the video column in the incidents list.
- Fixed an issue where clicking on the green video icon in the video column of the incidents list was not opening directly to the video tab of the incident details pane.
- Fixed an issue that was causing the last three digits of the filename for downloaded videos to generate incorrectly.
- Fixed an issue where the Incident Count and User Request counts were not updating properly when incidents were marked as invalid by a user.
- Fixed an issue where events that are missing the speed were not being included with the Events with Video filter when the “I want all videos” option was selected even if those events had video.
- Fixed an issue that was causing the status message not to fully display when the mobile unit is unable to find video for an event.
Minor Enhancements and Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue where headers were not displaying properly in Vehicle Incident Count reports.
- Fixed an issue where clicking Cancel after making changes to a filter caused the filter to retain the changes. Clicking cancel now resets the filter to the last saved settings.
- Fixed an issue where the historical notes were not displaying in the Incident Summary with Historical Notes CSV report.
- Fixed the title for the Incident Summary with Historical Notes CSV report to properly identify it as containing historical notes.
Known Issues
- Critical event incidents are displayed in the Incidents list and in reports in the time zone of the local computer accessing the information instead of using the company or user time zone settings from the Customer Portal or Services Portal.
- The sort function does not work properly when clicking the Occurred At column in the incident list.
- When users try to zoom in to the lowest level on the map, the map does not render completely.
- The play back error message shows up when a video is uploaded incorrectly, which may make it seem like video is available when it is not.
- The email notifications for completed/failed/not_available for prequel/sequel requests and custom requests lists all times in PDT regardless of user or company settings or location.
- When users download a PDF report of any type (Driver Incident Count, Incident Summary, etc.), the file is named "reporting" instead of according to the type of report.
- When a user unpairs the camera from the MCP, the icon is not being updated to the red crossed out icon in the Critical Event Reporting application.