Hardware Requirements and Software Dependencies
This firmware release supports the following and higher MCNs:
- CV90-JC339-1xx, -2xx, -3xx
- CA90-JE045-1xx, -2xx
- CV90-JE045-1xx, -2xx
- CA90-JC339-1xx, -2xx, -3xx
and is composed of the following software:
- PAPI 1.9.1
- VIOP 10.00
- WEC2013 OS (OS 61)
- Nuance 1.0
- CoPilot
- Navigo
- Zetakey 1.0
- OTNav 5.6.42
- Driver Help 10.00
- DriveWyze 2.0.1
Operating System
- 3G units (UAs 108000000 - 108499999) are compatible with the Microsoft Windows Embedded Compact operating system (WEC2013 OS) OS33 or higher.
- LTE units (UA 108500000 or higher) are compatible with the Microsoft Windows Embedded Compact operating system (WEC2013 OS) OS50 or higher.
Upgrade Procedures
Most upgrades are done over-the-air. The IVG firmware is available for download on the Customer Portal (see the Installation and Troubleshooting Guide).
Language Enhancements
The interface is now available in French and Spanish.
New Features and Enhancements
HOS Updates in Support of Canadian ELD requirements
The introduction of changes to the Hours of Service (HOS) application in preparation for compliance with the Canadian ELD mandate provides for functionality in compliance with the Canadian ELD Technical Standards.
Over the next several releases, Hours of Service will introduce additional Canadian ELD functionality that will culminate in the complete Canadian ELD application.
It is possible that drivers will have complete Canadian ELD functionality before Omnitracs receives third-party certification.
Please note that the Canadian ELD mandate effectively replaces paper logs and requires federally regulated motor carriers to equip their vehicles with compliant, third-party-certified ELDs on or before June 12, 2021.
Once the device is certified, the certification body will provide Omnitracs with a certification number. Omnitracs will embed this number in the ELD software in the appropriate data field.
Note: Canadian ELD Certification only applies to the IVG, not MCPs.
IVG Ruleset Changes for Canadian ELD
Canadian ELD rules require you to identify an Operating Zone change when crossing between Canada South, Canada North and the US. In order to improve our customer experience, we are also providing you with a PDF version of the features listed below. This job aid can be printed and handed to your drivers.
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Change Impacting Drive Time in Canadian Operating Zone
OHOS 4965
In order to be compliant with Canadian ELD standards, drivers operating in Canada will no longer be able to backdate their end of trip automatically when transitioning from Driving to On duty.
If the vehicle is not in motion, an alert displays after 5 minutes. This notification requires the driver to acknowledge the duty status change to On Duty. If the driver fails to acknowledge this notification, the duty status will be automatically transitioned to On Duty status after the 6 minute threshold. The current time of the transition will be the effective recorded time. Drivers should be diligent in selecting a desired duty status when driving is complete. This will assist in preserving the amount of available Drive time during the work shift and day.
However, if the driver is driving in the US or Mexico, the backdate will continue to be registered at the time that the vehicle came to a stop even if the driver fails to confirm the duty status change.
Edit Duty Status
OHOS 6144
The Edit Status view has been updated with a Vehicle ID button available for statuses that were missing or had an editable Vehicle ID. If enabled, this option will take the driver to the Edit Reason View and allow them to enter it without changing anything else on the Duty Status.
Note: This button is only visible if the driver is able to enter the Vehicle ID on the HOS Reason View. Additionally, it will only be enabled if they haven't made any changes on the screen; otherwise, they will need to validate the changes, and therefore the Vehicle ID button will be disabled.
Canadian Cycle Changes
OHOS 5079
In compliance with the Canadian ELD Technical Standards, drivers operating in Canada will be enabled for the Canadian Cycle Change.
In order to ensure a clear understanding of the Cycle Change for drivers operating in multiple zones, the button text in the Canadian Clocks Tab has been updated to: Canadian Cycle Change, as seen in the image below.
Off Duty Deferral Events
OHOS 5111
In compliance with the Canadian ELD Technical Standards, the Off Duty time deferred to the next day will be displayed without seconds in the Off Duty Deferral confirmation screen. As you can see in the image below, it displays HH:MM instead of HH:MM:SS .
Driver Swap Request
OHOS 5182, 5183, 5184, 5185, 5212, 5213, 5224
Team drivers can now request to transfer multiple driving events to their Co driver at once. If team drivers forget to change to the active driver, they can use the edit feature on the Certify tab to request a Driving Swap to correct their logs easily. This feature allows team drivers to submit a request to their co-driver to accept the driving on their respective log.
Please note that current duty status can't be edited; so the driver who intends to accept the driving onto their log must update their status in order to prevent the swap from impacting their current status.
On the Certify tab if the driver selects a qualified driving event, the Swap button will display for the driver to select. Please remember that if there is no co-driver associated to the driving event, the Swap button will not be available.
Note: Driving events with an unidentified origin will not allow the event to be swapped, even if a co-driver has been added by the host.
Drivers must enter the date and time window in which the co-driver's driving occurred on their log and select Search, after that all the driving events that qualify to be transferred will be displayed inside the search window for review.
The driver must review them carefully. If all the events indicated need to be transferred for accuracy they must proceed with the request by taping OK.
If some of the driving events should not be transferred, or there are events missing, tap Cancel and start again by adjusting your search window to ensure you only request the impacted events. Once the driver selects OK, a screen displays asking the driver to enter a Swap Reason with a 60-character limit.
After the driver selects Save, the following prompt displays to inform that the driver must select Confirm to acknowledge the swap. This action will lock the all the impacted statuses from editing until the swap is accepted or rejected by both drivers.
Once the swapped event has been successfully accepted by both drivers, the original driving record will be updated with an inactive event status and the time. It will be filled with an active On Duty not driving event. Likewise, the swapped drive time will appear as an active drive event in the co-driver's log.
Notes to consider:
- If the co-driver rejects any of the swaps, the rejected driving events will remain as active and the On Duty status will change to rejected/inactive.
- If a swap request fails, the host will send a notification to the requesting driver.
If a swap or edit is selected after a request has already been made, a prompt will display to let the driver know that their duty statuses are locked.
Changes related to swapping drive time are relevant for both U.S and Canadian ELDs. The HOS regulations for both countries have always restricted the swapping of erroneously recorded drive time to an authenticated co-driver in a team driver operation.
The HOS regulations specifically prohibit the shorting or the ELD username associated with an ELD record to be edited or reassigned, except in the case of mistakenly accepted unassigned drive time or in the case of recording error between authenticated team drivers. This new functionality simply restricts the reassignment of automatically recorded drive time to anyone other than an authenticated co-driver in a team driving situation.
Unassign erroneously accepted UVA on the Mobile
OHOS 5345, 5387
Updates have been made to the Unassigned Vehicle Activity to allow a driver to unassign erroneously accepted UVA on the Mobile. When a driver selects the erroneously accepted driving event in the Certify tab, the Unassign button appears, allowing the driver to successfully undo the acceptance that was done in error.
The Driver must enter a Reason for Edit no longer than 60 characters and select Save.
Once the driver saves the edit reason, a prompt displays indicating that all impacted duty statuses will be locked from further editing until they have been prompted from the host to review and confirm the edit changes.
Unassigned Vehicle Activity Storage
OHOS 5423
In order to stay compliant with Canadian ELD regulations when in the Canadian operating zone, if more than 30 minutes of unidentified driving show in a 24-hour period on the ELD, it will be recorded as an unidentified driving data diagnostic event.
The data diagnostic indicator will be turned on for all drivers authenticated into that ELD for the current day and the following 14 days.
Carrier Edits screen update to display requested changes for Drive time swap and Canadian ELD Operating zone
OHOS 5347
The HOS mobile allows drivers to accept or reject carrier edits of Canadian ELD operating zone events and Driving Swap events.
Drivers must review their original log and the proposed changes and tap Confirm or Reject.
Note: The Canadian HOS regulations restrict the swapping of erroneously recorded drive time to an authenticated co-driver in a team driver operation. In fact, the HOS regulations specifically prohibit the shorting of the ELD username associated with an ELD record to be edited or reassigned, except in the case of mistakenly accepted unassigned drive time or in the case of recording error between authenticated team drivers.
Update on the Inspectors tab
OHOS 5866, 6102
In compliance with the Canadian ELD standards, the Inspector and Driver header in Day Log tab will be updated to have the Location column to include: latitude, longitude, geolocation and distance since last valid coordinates.
On the Driver View the sequence ID is added.
On the Inspector view, a column has been updated to reflect Vehicle ID/ Accum. Km/ Odometer. The field will be completed for the appropriate data elements based on the corresponding Event/ Event Code recorded by the ELD.
The Day Log Inspector tab has been updated to include the user ID of the driver who edited the status in the Time/Origin column.
Certify Events
OHOS 5465, 5466, 5467
In order to remain compliant with the Canadian ELD display requirements, driver logs in the host and mobile Inspectors tab will be updated to display the certification events on the date of the log being certified, not on the date the certification was performed.
Example: If a drivers log dated August 15th but was not certified by the driver until August 20th, the certification event should be displayed on the August 15th log event list indicating that it was certified on the 20th.
If a status is Edited it will now display:Edited: time in the Time/Origin column on the Inspector view.
New printer driver support for brother printer RJ4230BL is now supported for LTE and 3G units.
Work Item Number | Description |
OOTIS 25506 |
In some instances the mobile device was not accurately recording power up and down events. This issue has been resolved. |
OHOS 5214 |
The text for the denial prompt that is displayed to the driver when attempts to perform an Off Duty Deferral event was incomplete when the driver's name and last name were too long. This issue has been resolved by switching from using the full name to the Login ID for all 4 pop-ups related to Off-Duty Deferral. |
OHOS 5223 |
When the driver is set up for Canadian Ruleset in the mobile and has satisfied the required off duty time, a denying prompt displayed. This issue has been resolved. |
OHOS 5864 |
On the Unidentified driver profile the Distances were not recorded properly for the odometer. This issue has been resolved. |