Defining User Speed Alerts
User speed alerts let you define if and when a driver is alerted that they are speeding. Speed alerts are notifications that appear on navigation devices when workers are exceeding the speed limit, reminding them to slow down.
To trigger a speed alert on the device, certain speeding thresholds must be met: the equipment must travel above the speed limit by a certain amount for at least a specified length of time. Using the settings on the Regions > User Speed Alerts window, you can either specify the speeding thresholds that will apply to all workers in the region, or you can allow workers to configure the speed alert thresholds on their own devices.
Note: When a speed alert is triggered on the navigation device, a posted road speed violation exception will also appear in FleetView. The exception includes when the violation started, how long it continued, and the top speed that was reached.
- Open the Administration module.
- Select the green button and scroll to Regions. The Regions list opens.
- To add a region, select the [Add] button; to change an existing region, select the region’s edit icon. The Region window opens.
- If you are adding a region, enter an ID and Description.
- Select Omnitracs Navigation, then User Speed Alerts. The User Speed Alerts window opens.
- If you want to enable speed alerts for all workers within the region using the same thresholds, check Enable Remote Configuration. When this option is checked, speed alerts will be enabled for all workers in the region and workers will not be able to change any speed alert settings using their navigation devices.
If you want to allow workers to set up speed alerts using their navigation devices, uncheck Enable Remote Configuration. When this option is not checked, workers will have options available on their navigation devices that allow them to enable and disable speed alerts. When workers enable speed alerts, they will also be able to set the thresholds that will be used.
- If you checked Enable Remote Configuration and you want to alert workers, check Enable Speed Alerts.
Note: If remote configuration is disabled, navigation events for speed alerts are also disabled.
- If you checked Enable Remote Configuration, set the appropriate speed alert thresholds that you want to use throughout the region:
Speeding Threshold: Enter the amount that a worker can travel above the speed limit without triggering a speed alert. If a worker travels faster than this amount over the road's speed limit for a duration of time that meets the Speeding Duration, a speed alert will appear on the worker's navigation device and a posted road speed exception will occur in FleetView. Enter the appropriate speed in either miles per hour or kilometers per hour, depending on the unit of speed that is specified for the business unit or the user. You cannot enter a number greater than 20.
Speeding Duration: Enter the length of time, in minutes and seconds, that a worker must be speeding to trigger a speed alert. If a worker travels for this length of time or greater at a speed that exceeds the road's speed limit plus the Speeding Threshold, a speed alert will appear on the worker's navigation device and a posted road speed exception will occur in FleetView. You cannot enter a number greater than 30 minutes.
- If you want workers to be alerted of speed alert events when they exceed the speeding threshold and duration, you can choose whether they will be notified visually or with sound.
For a visual alert, check Enable Navigation Events for Speed Alerts.
For an audible alert, check Enable Speed Alert Sound.
If neither option is checked, the worker is not alerted.
Notes: If you want the region to use the setting from the region at the level above, instead of using an override, click the Remove Override icon. The Remove Override icon is only visible if you are using hierarchy management.
- Select [Save] to save the changes.