Using the Dashboard
The QTRACS dashboard provides a quick glance at your vehicle locations and messages.
The information below your name on the right tells you which assets you are viewing. Click the linked text to change the viewed assets, if you are a member of more than one coverage and/or global group.
To see details of a particular vehicle you are authorized to view, type its ID or UA in the Find Vehicle box and click Go. Alerts for completed reports appear next to the Find Vehicle box. Click the text to open the alert page.
Vehicle information
Total Vehicles lists the total number of vehicles you are authorized to view. Selected Vehicles lists the number of vehicles in the groups you are currently working with, including a breakdown of owned and auxiliary vehicles. Click Selected Vehicles to see the corresponding list of vehicles.
Message information
The number of unseen messages for your selected, authorized vehicles and a summary of the most recent. Click Unseen Messages to open your unseen message list. Click Create Message to open start a new message.
Vehicle distribution
A map showing the number of selected, authorized vehicles by state or province. The Map Legend identifies the number of vehicles represented by the size of the blue dots.
- Hold your cursor over a dot to see the state or province name and number of vehicles.
- Use the map controls to zoom and pan the map. You do not see the specific vehicle locations in a state or province by zooming in.
Note: No action results from clicking a blue dot.