A glossary of terms.
Address list
A group of users. An address list can be used for vehicle coverage, or used to send messages to the users in the list or to the vehicles covered by the users in the list.
Auxiliary account
An account that receives messages from or sends messages to vehicles in another account. Auxiliary accounts are used for QMASS.
Canned message
See Macro.
Claimed message
A message status indicating that the user has taken responsibility for the message. When the claim message feature is being used, a user is given permission to claim messages. When he or she reads the message and clicks OK, the message status changes to Claimed for that user and to Ignored for all other users who received the message.
Comm unit
The mobile unit on the vehicle, such as the MCT, IMCT, TMCT, or MCP.
Comm unit number
The serial number of a vehicle's mobile unit.
A QTRACS feature where vehicles are assigned to a user or group of users. When each user logs in to QTRACS, he or she can see only those vehicles assigned to him as a coverage. All users with the correct permissions can see messages and position reports for all vehicles in the fleet.
A QTRACS entity can receive messages, and individual entities can send messages. Individual entities include users, vehicles, and external applications. Groups of entities include user address lists and vehicle message groups. All entities, except vehicle message groups, have a QTRACS mailbox. Messages sent to vehicle message groups appear in each vehicles' mailbox.
A notification of a driver action that appears in Driver Events. Events are associated with logging in and out of a vehicle.
Forward message
A message from QTRACS software to a vehicle.
Freeform message
A message composed by the sender with as many as 50 lines or 1900 characters.
Global login
An enhanced driver login facility for OmniTRACS units that provides a number of security features, including password verification of drivers. With global login, you can track which drivers are using which MCTs.
Integrated mobile terminal. The IMCT consists of the outdoor unit (antenna) and the display unit (keyboard).
Information system
The OmniTRACS system, the OmniExpress system, or the mobile computing platform (MCP).
Messages that are formatted ahead of time so the driver or QTRACS user need only fill in the blanks. These are ideal for commonly used messages. Only the data entered into the fields is transmitted, which can reduce the cost of data transmission. Macros are called canned messages on the driver terminal.
An entity's list of messages. Each user, address list, vehicle, and external application has a mailbox. With permission, a user can view any other mailbox to see messages to or from the specified entity.
Marked message
A message with the Marked status indicates that the user wants to review the message later. To change to Seen or Claimed status, open the message details and click OK.
Mobile computing platform. The MCP consists of the satellite or terrestrial data modem, mobile application server, and a driver terminal (MDU).
Mobile terminal. The MCT consists of a black box, an outdoor unit (antenna), and a driver terminal.
Media display unit. A terminal with a keyboard and graphical color display.
Mobile-initiated position report, generated from the vehicle. See also Ping.
Network Operation Center. Processes and manages the messaging traffic between the dispatch center and the fleet. Also referred to as the Network Management Center (NMC).
A mobile information system that uses a satellite network.
Panic button
The panic button is installed on the vehicle dashboard or other area easily accessible to the driver. When pushed, the panic button sends an alert to the NOC and posts an Emergency message in the customer account. Customers can contract to be called by an NOC operator any time the panic button is pushed.
A position report request sent through QTRACS software to the vehicle. A ping can be initiated by the user when a new position is desired. See also MIPR.
Position archiving
A way of generating more frequent position reports without greatly increasing the messaging cost. Position reports are generated and stored at the vehicle and sent as a single message. Position reports generated by Position archiving are not real time, but yield a more detailed position history for a vehicle. Position archiving requires GPS positioning and is not supported as an MCP feature.
An enhancement to mobile information systems that allows messages to or from a vehicle to be copied to an account other than the one that owns the vehicle. See also Auxiliary Account.
Reply message
A message sent by the driver or dispatcher in response to another message.
Restricted user
A QTRACS user who is authorized to view information for a specific set of vehicles and/or drivers based on coverage and global group membership. Users are restricted if the MISC permission "Can see data for all assets" is not checked in their assigned role.
A message sent from the driver of a vehicle.
Return receipt
An acknowledgment sent to the dispatch center when the driver reads a message. The dispatcher can request a return receipt for a forward message.
Equipment the driver uses to read and send messages such as the DIU and MDU.
Terrestrial mobile terminal. The TMCT consists of a black box, an antenna, and a driver terminal.
Unit number
A number that identifies each vehicle in QTRACS.
Unrestricted user
A user whose role has the MISC permission "Can see data for all assets" checked. In QTRACS, the user has unrestricted access to vehicle information.
Vehicle message group
An entity that is assigned a group ID number by the NOC, and that can be assigned to one or more vehicles for the purpose of sending broadcast messages to the vehicles. A coverage can be a vehicle message group.
Vehicle name
A name you assign to identify the vehicle, such as a driver's name.