View Driver Information
View Driver Information
The list of selected, authorized drivers appears on the left, sorted in alphabetical order. The information below your name on the right tells you which assets you are working with based on global group membership. You can:
- Find a driver: type the ID and click Search
- List drivers by manager: click driver and select driver manager from the drop-down list. Type the ID and click Search
- List unregistered drivers: click More options. Select Unregistered from the drop-down list and click Search
- To view details for a driver, locate the driver and click to select it. The driver details appear on the right.
Drivers - General
The Drivers - General tab shows driver ID, name, password, and manager for the selected driver. The Driver Info field can contain any miscellaneous information about your drivers that is useful to your company.
Click edit to change the driver manager and driver info. Click save to save your changes.