Generate Diagnostic Analysis Reports
For help running reports, see the reports overview.
The information below your name on the right tells you which assets you are working with based on global group membership. Click the linked text to change your global group filter. Only select, authorized assets are included when you generate a report.
There are eight diagnostic analysis reports:
- Vehicle Log provides base values specified when the vehicle was registered and all accumulated performance monitoring data
- Sensor Faults lists instances of possible faults or tampering
- Vehicle Operations Profile provides statistics on distance, engine time, overspeed, overrev, and short idle times
- Vehicle Utilization provides details about distance, engine time, days, average speed, driving and moving percentages, trips, and PTO percentages
- Driver Speed/RPM Matrix show the speed in columns and the RPM in rows. Each speed/RPM intersection shows the time the engine ran at that RPM while traveling that speed
- Vehicle Speed/RPM Matrix show the speed in columns and the RPM in rows. Each speed/RPM intersection shows the time the engine ran at that RPM while traveling that speed
- Logon Date Range identifies driver IDs with record date ranges that indicate login errors
- Maintenance Items provides a summary of statistics that affect vehicle maintenance.