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Omnitracs Knowledge Base

Add Vehicle Parameter Types


When you begin using Performance Monitoring, the default vehicle type is "Rsv," and it is automatically assigned to every new vehicle. You cannot change "Rsv" parameters and it does not report properly. It is recommended that you set up a new vehicle type with the most common parameters you use and specify it as the default.

To add a vehicle type:

  1. Click Setup, then click Vehicle Types.
  2. Click Add vehicle type.
  3. Type the ID and a brief description.
  4. Data source: If this vehicle type contains OmniTRACS-equipped vehicles, set the data source and associated settings. Some settings appear as selections are entered.
  5. Mobile behavior: Specify how the mobile unit collects, displays, and reports data.
  6. Fault monitoring: Check the mobile unit faults to monitor; JBus LTD mismatch is the only recommended fault. After you've gained experience working with the system you may want to enable additional faults. For descriptions of the specific settings, see the glossary or the Performance Monitoring Application and Configuration Guide, Chapter 2. You can receive an alert when a fault is generated.
  7. Performance monitoring: Set the driver performance options for the vehicle group. These are the parameters that underlie the performance data in the Dashboard, queries, charts, and many reports.
  8. Click save.

Set default vehicle type

The ✓ symbol identifies the current default vehicle type. To change the default vehicle type:

  1. Select the vehicle type to make the default. Its details appear on the right.
  2. Click the \/ menu next to edit above the details and select Set as default. The ✓symbox appears next to the selected vehicle type.

Fault Monitoring Recommended Settings  

JBus LTD mismatch is the only recommended fault. After you've gained experience working with the system you may want to enable additional faults.


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