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Omnitracs Knowledge Base

Add Vehicle

Add a vehicle when it appears in the QTRACS vehicle directory but not in Performance Monitoring. Your role must be granted the permission "Can maintain vehicles and drivers," and the vehicle must be in your selected, authorized list based on global group membership. The information below your name on the right tells you which assets you are working with. Click the linked text to view and change your global group filter.

  1. Click Vehicles.
  2. Click Add vehicle.
  3. Type the vehicle identifier. The value must match the value entered in the QTRACS application. If the ID is changed inthe QTRACS application, it updates the ID in the Performance Monitoring vehicle record.
  4. Type the vehicle Name that is listed in the QTRACS application. You can use a different vehicle name in Performance Monitoring, and it will not be updated if the name in the QTRACS vehicle record is updated.
  5. Type or select the Vehicle Manager.
  6. Select the vehicle Type from the drop-down list.
  7. Click save.

The vehicle type and fleet overrange parameters are sent to the vehicle. You can check the status of the parameters in the Mobile Parameter Status panel.

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