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Omnitracs Knowledge Base

Can ELD Driver Logs

Canadian ELD Driver Log

The Canadian ELD Driver Logs report shows a driver's activity and status changes over a specified period of time for drivers.

Be aware that, during a roadside inspection, the driver must provide logs from the ELD via an ERODS request. If the ELD is functioning and the driver is unable to display their ERODS, the driver may use DHM portal or a paper copy of their logs.

Dispatchers can use the data to determine drivers’ availability, and driver managers can use it to determine the most efficient use of their resources (for example, drivers who are being under-utilized). Safety personnel can analyse historical data to identify drivers that consistently violate HOS regulations. CCMTA officials can request a hard copy of the driver log to review the driver's current logs and ensure that the driver is compliant.


  • Driver ID

Enter the driver ID to view their report.


  • Start date / End date

The date range for the report. (Click the icon to open a calendar popup and select a date.)


  • Click the View Report button to view report in aspx format.

For more information, click the link below:

Run the Can ELD Driver Log Report

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