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Omnitracs Knowledge Base



The Drivers tab displays the duty status and driving activity for a set of drivers.

Select one of the options listed below, then select the group or driver to view from the drop-down list.

  • Depot: Lists all drivers in the selected depot (driver's home base).
  • Driver or Vehicle Group: Lists drivers by groups you created to assist in reporting.
  • Driver: Lists all drivers who are in the same depot as you.
  • Search: Search for a specific driver by name or driver ID. When you select Search, the drop-down list changes to a search box. Search results include all matches and partial matches. For example, "Pau" will return "Paul," "Paula," and "John Paul."

Check Logged in to show only drivers who are currently logged in to a mobile device.

Driver Settings

Will Pair SB

Check Will Pair SB to recalculate all the driver’s available hours as if they wanted to use the split sleeper option. This setting has no impact on the driver's logs in the truck; it simply allows host users to see available hours if the driver is using sleeper berth regulations in Canada or the U.S.

Duty Status

The driver's current duty status:
On-Duty, Driving Driving Sleeper Berth Sleeper Berth
On-Duty, Not Driving On Duty (not driving) Off-Duty Driving Personal Conveyance
Off-Duty Off Duty YardMove-16.png Yard Move

Driver Name and Driver ID

The driver's name and login ID.
  • Select the Week Chart icon to display a color-coded chart of the driver's duty status changes for the duty cycle (7, 8, or 14 days).
    Driver Chart
  • Select the Details icon to display the driver's history of duty status changes and edits for a selected interval, such as day, week, or month.
    Driver Details 
Rule set
The driver's rule set is indicated by an icon. You can hover your mouse over the icon to see the name of the rule set.
USA flag General U.S. rules
24 hr weekly reset The driver is allowed to take a 24-hour weekly reset
Oil Well The driver can record wait time at an oil well (as off-duty or sleeper berth) and it will not count against the driver's daily 14-hour on-duty limit.
California Florida Texas Alaska Rules for California, Florida, Texas, or Alaska
Canada General Canadian rules
Canada 60N Canadian rules for north of 60 degrees latitude
ODD1.fw.png ODD2.fw.png Denotes which deferral day the driver is currently on, either day 1 or day 2
RestBreakExemption.gif Rest Break Exemption


The number of driving hours remaining for the driver. This represents the lowest value of all HOS clocks (Driving Hours, On Duty Hours, and Cumulative On Duty Hours).

Note: In the next few columns, fields shaded yellow indicate that drivers are within one hour of violating the rule. Fields shaded red with a negative number show drivers in violation and the length of time spent driving in violation. Drivers get a warning if they are within one hour of violating a rule. The warning time is configurable but Omnitracs recommends that you leave the value at 60 minutes.


The remaining time available for the selected driver. Rules and indicators for this value differ by location, as described here:
Rule set MAX daily drive time When it follows Within an on-duty period no longer than
USA flag 11 hours 10 hours off-duty 14 hours
California 12 hours 10 hours off-duty 16 hours
Florida 12 hours 10 hours off-duty 16 hours
Texas 12 hours 8 hours off-duty 15 hours
Alaska 15 hours 10 hours off-duty 20 hours
CanadaCanada 60N 13 hours (Main) 15 hours (North) within a single period after an 8-hour break

On Duty

The remaining on-duty hours for the selected driver. Rules and indicators for this value differ by location, as described here:
Rule set Limited to When it follows
USA flag 14 hours on duty 10 hours off-duty
California 16 hours on duty 10 hours off-duty
Florida 16 hours on duty 10 hours off-duty
Texas 15 hours on duty 8 hours off-duty
Alaska 20 hours on duty 10 hours off-duty. No 16-hour exception may be taken.
CanadaCanada 60N 14 hours (Main) 18 hours (North) within a single period after an 8-hour break

Next Break

The remaining hours before the driver is required to take a 30-minute rest break. A value appears only if the driver is subject to the rest break rule that requires a 30-minute rest break for every eight hours of on-duty and driving time. The field is blank if the driver's rule set is not under the rest break rule.


Canada Canada 60N For Canadian rules only. The duration, in hours, of this driver's shift. The maximum is 16 hours for Canadian Main drivers and 20 hours for Canadian North drivers. This clock is reset after 8 consecutive hours off.

Day Off Remaining

Canada Canada 60N For Canadian rules only. The number of hours before the driver must begin a mandatory 24-hour off-duty period.

Work Left

Canada Canada 60N For Canadian rules only. This clock gives the minimum applicable value out of all daily off-duty clocks. This field displays N/A if the driver has already completed their hours off for that day.

Cumulative On Duty

Canada Canada 60N For Canadian rules only. The number of hours before the driver must begin a mandatory off-duty period. A cycle 1 driver (7-day) can reset this clock with a 36-hour off-duty period. A cycle 2 (14-day) driver can reset this clock with a 72-hour off-duty period.
USA flag For U.S. rules, the cumulative hours a driver has remaining in the current 7- or 8-day duty cycle. The 60 Hour (or 7 day) rule states that drivers cannot drive if they have been on duty for more than 60 hours within 7 days. Similarly, the 70 hour (or 8-day) rule states that drivers cannot drive if they have been on duty for more than 70 hours within 8 days.
For drivers who are assigned to Intrastate rules, the following applies:
Rule set Hours allowed in a 7-day period Hours allowed in an 8-day period
California 60 hours 80 hours
Florida 70 hours 80 hours
Texas 70 hours 70 hours
Alaska 70 hours 80 hours

Canada Canada 60N For Canadian rules, the cumulative hours a driver has been on duty during the most recent 7- or 14-day duty cycle. Under the following rules, drivers cannot drive if they have been on duty for:

  • 70 Hour (7 day) rule: more than 70 hrs within 7 days
  • 70 Hour (7 day) rule north of latitude 60°N: more than 80 hours within 7 days
  • 120 hour (14-day) rule: more than 120 hours within 14 days


Your company's vehicle ID. Select the ID to view driving activity on the vehicle.

Last Duty Change

The exact date and time the driver last indicated a status change. The time is based on the geographic location of the driver and is always shown in 24-hour format.

Last Recalc

The date and time the driver's logs were retrieved from the mobile unit and compared against the HOS rules in order to:

  • Determine if any warnings or violations took place
  • Update the available hours (Driving, On Duty, and Cumulative On Duty clocks) displayed at the top of the Driver Details and Driver Week pages
  • Update the current location of the vehicle

Recalc(ulation) occurs when a duty status change is processed from the mobile unit, when a user accesses or "refreshes" the Driver Details page or Driver Chart page, or every 30 minutes from the last recalculation.

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