Request Proximity Query - OMPRXQRY
Request Proximity Query (OMPRXQRY)
Required Parameter Group:
Parameter | Type | Input/Output | Data Type |
1 | Place Identifier | Input | Packed(7,0) |
2 | Vehicle Identifier | Input | Char(10) |
3 | Trailer SCAC / Identifier | Input | Char(14) |
4 | Latitude | Input | Packed(7,0) |
5 | Longitude | Input | Packed(7,0) |
6 | Return Status | Output | Char(1) |
API Overview:
The Request Proximity Query API (OMPRXQRY) provides a common user interface to allow the definition of one of the many flavors of proximity requests that are supported by the Omni products; it provides 'one stop shopping' for any kind of proximity request imaginable. These 'proximity requests' may be broadly described as 'places near', 'units near', or 'trailers near' requests.
A call to this API will present the user with a display that allows the user to enter the proximity request. After validation, it will call one of several other API's to compute and display the results. Each of these called programs allow the user to scroll through the result list of close 'things' (either places, units, or trailers) in 'closest first' or alphabetic order.
Required Parameter Group Details:
(1) Place Identifier
This parameter indicates a default reference point as indicated by the location of the specified place. If this parameter is specified, then none of the other input parameters may be specified.
(2) Vehicle Identifier
This parameter indicates a default reference point as indicated by the current location of the specified vehicle. If this parameter is specified, then none of the other input parameters may be specified.
(3) Trailer SCAC / Identifier
This parameter indicates a default reference point as indicated by the current location of the specified trailer. If this parameter is specified, then none of the other input parameters may be specified.
(4) Latitude
This parameter indicates the latitude portion of the default reference point coordinate pair. This parameter must be given in signed seconds (not DDMMSS). This coordinate pair defines the default geographic location from which the proximity search will begin. This coordinate pair is mutually exclusive with the remaining input parameters; that is, if this parameter is specified, then none of the others may be specified.
(5) Longitude
This parameter indicates the longitude portion of the default reference point coordinate pair. This parameter must be given in signed seconds (not DDMMSS).
(6) Return Status
Status value returned to the caller will be set as follows:
0 | Success |
1 | Failure, undefined fatal error occurred |
Calling OMPRXQRY will present the following display.
To define a proximity query, the user must enter a starting reference point which may be a place, a vehicle, a trailer (provided that TrailerTRACS in installed), or a random latitude/longitude pair. Additionally, the controlling search parameters must also be specified. These search parameters will default from the user's preferences.
If the target to 'look for' is a place, then the proximity query may be further refined by limiting the search by place type(s) and their associated attributes. The Subset Places window will be presented if the user presses F4=Prompt from any of the type fields.
F15=Execute Query is used to start the interactive query after the parameters have been entered. After a few seconds, the results of the query are presented to the user. After viewing the output the user will be returned to this screen, where he may exit, or resubmit the query with different parameters.