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Omnitracs Knowledge Base

Change a QTRACS Place Record - OMCHGPLC

Change a QTRACS Place Record (OMCHGPLC) RI

Required Parameter Group:

1 Place Identifier Input Packed(7,0)
2 Place Alias Input Char(10)
3 Place Name Input Char(25)
4 Place State Input Char(2)
5 Place Country Input Char(2)
6 Input Block Input Char(512)
7 Return Status Output Char(1)
8 Reason Code Output Char(4)

API Overview:
The Change a QTRACS Place Record API (OMCHGPLC) is used to change the attributes of an existing record in the QTRACS Place Database. A place may be specified in one of three ways: by its unique id, by its unique alias, or by the unique combination of its name, state, and country. The API will enforce all necessary validations on the attributes prior to changing the record. If any attribute is considered invalid, no attributes will be changed, and an appropriate reason code will be returned to the caller.

Required Parameter Group Details:
(1) Place Identifier
This parameter is optional but when it is left blank, at least one of the following three input fields must contain enough information to derive a valid place identifier.

(2) Place Alias
This parameter is optional but when included it is used to derive a valid place identifier.

(3) Place Name
This parameter is optional but when included it is used in conjunction with the place state and country fields to derive a valid place identifier.

(4) Place State
This parameter is optional but when included it is used in conjunction with the place name and country fields to derive a valid place identifier.

(5) Place Country
This parameter is optional but when included it is used in conjunction with the place name and state fields to derive a valid place identifier.

(6) Input Block

1-4 Latitude (signed seconds) Packed(7,0)
5-8 Longitude (signed seconds) Packed(7,0)
9-13 Place Type Char(5)
14-38 Place Name Char(25)
39-63 Address Line #1 Char(25)
64-88 Address Line #2 Char(25)
89-113 City Name (mixed case) Char(25)
114-115 State/Province Abbreviation Char(2)
116-117 Country Abbreviation Char(2)
118-126 Postal Code Char(9)
127-135 SPL Code Char(9)
136-138 Size (radius in mls/kms) Packed(5,1)
139-144 Phone number Packed(11,0)
145-147 Time Zone Code Char(3)
148-148 Allow Daylight Savings(N=no, Y=yes) Char(1)
149-158 Alias, Cross Reference to Customer File Char(10)
159-159 Customer Location Attribute(N=no, Y=yes) Char(1)
160-160 Unloading Location Attribute(N=no, Y=yes) Char(1)
161-161 Loading Location Attribute(N=no, Y=yes) Char(1)
162-162 Trailer Drop Location Attribute(N=no, Y=yes) Char(1)
163-163 Intermodal Point Attribute(N=no, Y=yes) Char(1)
164-164 User-Defined Attribute #1 Char(1)
165-165 User-Defined Attribute #2 Char(1)
166-166 User-Defined Attribute #3 Char(1)
167-167 User-Defined Attribute #4 Char(1)
168-168 User-Defined Attribute #5 Char(1)
169-169 Refine Coordinates(N=no, Y=yes) Char(1)
170-194 Routing Application Cross Ref: Name Char(25)
195-219 Routing Application Cross Ref: County Char(25)
220-228 Routing Application Cross Ref: SPLC Char(9)

(7) Return Status
Status value returned to the caller will be set as follows:

0 Success, place has been deleted from the database
1 Failure, see reason code
A Failure, API failed when called remotely

(8) Reason Code
The following are possible reason codes for a return status for '1'.

0000 Place record updated
0001 Invalid place identifier
0002 Place not found
0003 Invalid state and/or country code
0004 Invalid place size
0005 Invalid place type
0006 Invalid time zone
0007 Invalid data in Y/N field
0008 Invalid latitude and/or longitude

This API will not change a place's attribute if that field is left blank (hex 40) in the input block. This is true for both packed and character fields. If numeric fields are passed as 0, then the API will try to set those attributes to 0. This API is built to expect that packed fields may contain blanks to indicate that no change is desired for that attribute.

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