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Omnitracs Knowledge Base

Data Import Utility

Appendix F - Data Import Utility

This appendix describes the inter-platform data migration utility, which is a part of QTRACS/400. The migration characteristics, and file and record formats are described herein.

Included Data

It is possible to migrate only the following information to the QTRACS/400 databases using this utility. Note that only the 'major' data elements are migrated.

QTRACS Simple Entities:

  • Users
  • Vehicles
  • Vehicle Message Groups

QTRACS Complex Entities (groupings of simple entities):

  • Address Lists
  • Vehicle Coverage Lists

Macro Template Information

  • Forward Macro Templates
  • Return Macro Templates

Message Information

Position History Information

Import Utility Characteristics

  1. Duplicate import data will not supersede existing data. Any duplicate data contained in the import shall be kicked-out to the exceptions file.
  2. The import utility performs data validation where necessary. For instance, the importation of message data requires that the message information (sender, addressees, macro number, etc.) be valid in the current QTRACS context. Sender and addressee entities must already exist. Macro templates must already exist.
  3. The import utility generates an exception file containing a copy of every record that was rejected during importation. The utility will fill in the transfer reason code (XFREASON) field for all rejected records. After resolving the reason for the rejection, and editing the exceptions file so that the data is correct, the exceptions file may be reprocessed via the very same import utility.
  4. The import utility produces a spooled audit log showing a summary of the import activity. This log will be found in the same location that all spooled files are sent for the user running the utility. The log will show up only after the utility has completed running.
  5. The utility will run only in batch mode.

OmniTRACS Account Issues

Certain QTRACS data is specific to the OmniTRACS Account. This means that there is data within QTRACS that is synchronized with data within the NMC. Examples of this data are vehicle group numbers and macro template definitions.

The data import utility was designed to support the migration of data into a new OmniTRACS account only.

This scenario involves the creation of a new OmniTRACS account into which existing QTRACS information (ideally from another platform or from another account) will be migrated. This also involves the transfer of vehicles from one account to another at the NMC. Two accounts will exist simultaneously.

The data import utility does not support the migration of data from an existing OmniTRACS account into the same OmniTRACS account. This scenario implies a one-shot migration from one platform to another in which the same OmniTRACS account will be used. All migration will be treated as if data was going to a new account. This means that the initial QTRACS/400 installation will be performed using standard methods. Data imported into the account will be treated as new information.

Invoking the QTRACS Data Import Utility

Before import can begin, data to be imported must first be placed on the target AS/400. All import data must be placed in a uniquely named member within the OMIMPORT file in the data library (OMNIDATA). The import file is a physical file (PF) with a single field of length 3000. This length accommodates the largest record format.

Using a standard QTRACS library list type the command OMIMPORT and press the F4 key to prompt. You will be asked to specify the name of the member in the OMIMPORT file containing the data that you wish to import to QTRACS/400. You will also be asked to specify the name of an exception file (a member of OMIMPORT) which will contain a log of all the records which did not get imported successfully. Note that the input member must exist, and the exception member must not exist, because it will be created during import.

After the import is complete, all exception file records will contain a reason code in the first four characters. This reason code corresponds to a message ID in the message file OMIMPDTAM. Append the letters "IMP" to the four character reason code, and find the corresponding message ID in the message file to determine what went wrong with the import of each particular record.

The exception file can be "reprocessed". Edit the exception file, fix the errors in the data, and save the exception file. You can then run the data import utility again, using the exception file as input, and naming a second exception file to contain any errors for this iteration. This process can be repeated until all errors have been removed from the input data.

Make sure that your OmniTRACS job subsystem (usually "QUALCOMM") is up and running when you invoke the data import utility. A connection with the HUB should be active when the importer runs, so that definitions of vehicles and vehicle message groups can be transmitted immediately to the HUB.

Import File Record Formats

The data import utility demands that the import files adhere to the following file-type and data-type rules.

When writing the non-AS/400-based export utilities, one must consider what transfer mechanism will be used to get the file to the AS/400. For instance, if the transferring mechanism is FTP, which handles ASCII to EBCDIC conversion, then the export utilities need not necessarily generate EBCDIC.

The bottom line is that regardless of how the import files arrive on the AS/400, they must adhere to the following specifications prior to being processed by the import utilities.

Data Types

Import data must be specified via the following data types only.


A positive numeric value represented as a string of EBCDIC characters. Valid characters are the numeric digits:
'0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9'. Decimal places are implied in the field definition and are not explicitly indicated in the string. Numeric values are right justified and zero filled within the field.


A signed numeric value represented as a string of EBCDIC characters. Valid characters are the numeric digits:
'0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9' and the plus ( + ) and minus ( - ) sign. The numeric value shall be right justified and zero filled. The least significant byte of the string shall contain the sign: + indicating a positive value, - indicating a negative value.
Example: The numeric value 123 would be represented in 6 bytes as "00123+".


Left-justified character string data in EBCDIC format padded with blanks.


A 14-character (EBCDIC) value indicating the date and time in the form YYYYMMDDHHMMSS. Example: 19971222112713. The time zone is assumed to be the same as that which is defined in the QTRACS/400 Time Configuration.

Note: All distances will be assumed to be in miles, not kilometers. The export utility must convert to miles if the source units are kilometers.

Optional Fields

Certain fields in the import record are required in order for the import to succeed. Required fields are marked with a in the following record definitions. The export utility must supply a valid value for every field in the record that is tagged as required. Optional fields are fields that are not required in order for the import to be successful. Character fields that are not included should be set to all blanks . Numeric fields that are not included should be set to blanks as well . A blank is defined as an EBCDIC space (hex 40).

Order of Definition

The order of the records in the import file is very significant because of the relationships of the entities. The recommended order of definition is as follows:

  1. Users
  2. Address Lists
  3. User to Address List Associations
  4. Vehicle Message Groups
  5. Vehicles
  6. Return Macros
  7. Forward Macros
  8. Messages
  9. Position History
  10. Drivers

Failure to follow this sequence could result in the rejection of huge amounts of import data.

QTRACS Import File Record Formats

In order to import the various types of entities to the QTRACS database, the import file can have several different types of record formats, each conveying information about a different type of entity.

All import records begin with the following fields:

Field ID Description Size Data Type Comment
XFREASON Transfer failure reason code 4 Character Reserved = "0000"
XFACTION Action Code 4 Character A four-character value indicating the type of the export record.

User Entity Import Record Format

The following table describes the User Entity import record. This record causes a new user entity to be added to the QTRACS database.

Note that not all of the fields defined in this input format are required. The optional fields will be replaced with data from the QTRACS Default User record when importing user data. Therefore, it is important that your QTRACS Default User record be set up to your specifications before beginning the user import.

Field ID Description Size Data Type Comment
XFREASON Transfer failure reason code 4 Character Reserved = "0000"
XFACTION Action Code 4 Character "USER"
EYID User Identifier 10 Character  
EYNAME Name 24 Character  
EYREDI Redirected To Name 10 Character  
EYCAPS Capability Flags 64 Character See table below
EYMDRR New Message Default Return Receipt 1 Character 'N' = NO; 'Y' = YES
EYMDPR New Message Default Priority 1 Character '0' = NORMAL; '1' = IMPORTANT; '2' = SLEEPY; '3' = SLEEPY+; '5' = ATTENTION; '9' = EMERGENCY
EYMDRT New Message Default Reply To 10 Character '*DISPATCH'; '*PERSONAL'; or Coverage Identifier
EYMDCL Default Claim Messages 1 Character 'N' = NO; 'Y' = YES
EYMDIG Default Ignore Claimed Messages 1 Character 'N' = NO; 'Y' = YES
EYMDAC Default Message Mailbox Access 10 Character '*ONLY' = my mailbox only; '*VEHICLE' = *ONLY plus vehicle mailboxes; '*ALL' = all mailboxes
EYMDTO Default Time Order 1 Character 'A' = Ascending; 'D' = Descending
EYMDVW Default View 1 Character 'N' = Normal; 'U' = Unseen; 'A' = All
EYMDLC Default Location 1 Character 'C' = Current Location; 'M' = Message Location
EYMNRV Notify on Receipt from Vehicle 1 Character 'N' = NO; 'Y' = YES with break msg; 'S' = YES with status msg; 'R' = YES but reply msgs only; 'W' = YES with break window
EYMNRU Notify on Receipt from User 1 Character 'N' = NO; 'Y' = YES with break message; 'S' = YES with status message
EYMMDL Notify on Delivery 1 Character 'N' = NO; 'Y' = YES with break message; 'S' = YES with status message
EYMNUN Notify on Undeliverable Message 1 Character 'N' = NO; 'Y' = YES with break message; 'S' = YES with status message; 'M' = YES with QTRACS message
EYMNRD Notify on Message Read 1 Character 'N' = NO; 'Y' = YES with break message; 'S' = YES with status message
EYPQIV Proximity Default Initial View 1 Character 'A' = Alphabetic by ID; 'C' = Closest first;
EYPQML Proximity Default Mileage Limit 5 Numeric 0-500
EYPQFL Proximity Default Find Limit 5 Numeric 0-500
EYPQLD Proximity Default Look Direction 3 Character N, S, E, W, NE, NW, SE, SW
EYRLPP Reference Limit to Preferred Place 5 (1) Numeric 0-15.0
EYRLNS Reference Limit to Next Stop 5 Numeric 0-9999
EYRLBC Reference Limit to Big City 5 Numeric 0-999
EYPDIV Place Directory Initial Sort 1 Character 'N' = Name; 'G' = Geography; 'A' = Alias; 'P' = Postal Code; 'S' = Source
EYPDIF Place Directory Initial Filter 5 Character '*ALL' = all types; or a valid place type
EYVDIV Vehicle Default Initial View 10 Character '*ALL', or valid coverage or group
EYTMZC User Time Zone Code 3 Character  

User Capability Flags

The following table describes the user capability flags. Each flag occupies a single bit in the user import record. Set the bit off (0) to indicate that the user should not be granted the capability. Set the bit on (1) to indicate that the user should be granted the capability.

Capability Bit Description
Byte1 Bit0 Redirect message notifications of others
Byte1 Bit1  
Byte1 Bit2 Work with vehicle profiles
Byte1 Bit3 Work with vehicle coverage
Byte1 Bit4 Work with user profiles and preferences
Byte1 Bit5 Work with macro template definitions
Byte1 Bit6 Work with external application profiles
Byte1 Bit7 Send emergency priority messages
Byte2 Bit0 Resynchronize macros
Byte2 Bit1 Work with drivers
Byte2 Bit2 Work with system utilities
Byte2 Bit3 Add or change place information
Byte2 Bit4 Work with user capabilities
Byte2 Bit5 Send messages to *ALL vehicles
Byte2 Bit6 Work with binary message routing profiles
Byte2 Bit7 Work with QTRACS configuration
Byte3 Bit0 Work with SensorTRACS vehicle profiles
Byte3 Bit1 Work with SensorTRACS driver profiles
Byte3 Bit2 Work with SensorTRACS extraction cycle configuration
Byte3 Bit3 Work with SensorTRACS vehicle parameters
Byte3 Bit4 Work with SensorTRACS report generation
Byte3 Bit5 JTRACS Administrator
Byte3 Bit6 Send macro messages to vehicles
Byte3 Bit7 Send messages to un-grouped fleets
Byte4 Bit0 Send messages to the NMC
Byte4 Bit1 Claim messages addressed to others
Byte4 Bit2 Delete messages addressed to others
Byte4 Bit3 Delete messages that are un-seen
Byte4 Bit4 Work with vehicle phone book entries
Byte4 Bit5 Work with fleet phone book entries
Byte4 Bit6 Send freeform messages to vehicles
Byte4 Bit7 Send attention priority messages
Byte 5 - all bits Unused
Byte 6 - all bits Unused
Byte 7 - all bits Unused
Byte 8 - all bits Unused

Address List Import Record Format

The following table describes the Address List Entity import record. This record causes a new address list entity to be added to the QTRACS database.

Field ID




Data Type




Transfer failure reason code



Reserved = "0000"



Action Code






Address List Identifier












First User Member of Address List



User ID

Address List Association Import Record Format

The following table describes the Address List Association record. This record causes the user specified by EYUSER to become a member of the address list specified by EYLIST.

Field ID




Data Type




Transfer failure reason code



Reserved = "0000"



Action Code






User Entity Identifier



User ID



Address List Entity Identifier



Address List ID

Vehicle Entity Import Record Format

The following table describes the Vehicle Entity import record. This record causes a new vehicle to be added to the QTRACS database. In addition, the appropriate transactions are sent to the NMC to define the vehicle and set the various mobile parameters. The latest position report is also retrieved for the vehicle.

Field ID Description Size Data Type Comment
XFREASON Transfer failure reason code 4 Character Reserved = "0000"
XFACTION Action Code 4 Character "VEHL"
EYID Vehicle Identifier 10 Character  
EYNAME Entity Description 24 Character  
EYMCT# Comm Unit Address 10 Character  
EYCVRG Vehicle Coverage Name 10 Character  
EYVMGN Vehicle Message Group Name 10 Character  
EYPSRC Position Source Type 5 Character  
EYMPR MIPR Timeout 7 Character '0000000' - '9995959' (HHH MM SS)
EYPDT Power Down Timer 4 Character '0000'-'9999'
EYASM Screen Behavior 2 Character '00','01','02','03'
EYBCP1 Normal Beep Timer Subsequent 2 Character '00'-'63'
EYBCP2 Normal Beep Volume Subsequent 1 Character '0','1','2'
EYBCP3 Emergency Beep Timer Subsequent 2 Character '00'-'63'
EYBCP4 Emergency Beep Volume Subsequent 1 Character '0','1','2'
EYBCP5 Normal Beep Volume Initial 1 Character '0','1','2'
EYBCP6 Emergency Beep Volume Initial 1 Character '0','1','2'
EYTMZC Mobile Time Zone 3 Character  
EYINDS Mobile in Daylight Savings Time 1 Character 'Y','N'
EYWTP1 Wake up Timer Interval 4 Character '0000','0060'-'9999'
EYWTP2 Total Wake up Power Time 4 Character '0000'-'9999'
EYDTTC Capable 1 Character '0','1'
EYDTTE Enable 1 Character '0','1'

Message Import Record Format

The following table describes the Message import record format. This record causes a message to be added to the QTRACS message database.

Field ID




Data Type




Transfer failure reason code



Reserved = "0000"



Action Code






Message Source (Sender)



Simple Entity ID



Message Priority






Macro Number or Binary Data Type



(See Note 1)



Return Receipt Request Flag






Reply-To Designator



or Coverage Identifier



Message Destination (Addressee)






Indirection Flag



0 = No Indirection,
1 = Apply Indirection



Global Hub Reference Number






Time Message Sent






Time Message Received






Time Message Read






Transmittable Message Length






Message Body Type



B = Binary;
T = Text;



Message Body



Transmittable format,
(See Note 1)

Notes :

  1. The exporting software must insure that the macro template is current and valid when generating the message export record for macro messages. The data import utility will attempt to convert macro message bodies from their transmittable form into their displayable form based on the version of the macro template that is currently stored in the AS/400 database. The exporting software should convert expired macro message bodies into free format message bodies when it encounters macro messages for which the macro template has expired. The macro number should be set to zero (0), indicating free form, in these cases.
  2. The Global Message Handle (GMH or HMN) is not imported. It will be assigned by QTRACS/400 during the import. For example, a given message may have been #123456 in QTRACS/ESA, however, after it is imported to QTRACS/400 it may be known as #654321. All references via the 'old key' will be lost.
  3. The Indirection Flag (MHINDR) determines whether the recipient of the message was the entity named in the MHRCVR field (Receiver), or the vehicle(s) being covered by the entity named in the Receiver field. For example, if the Receiver is USER1 and the Indirection field is 0, the message was sent to the individual user named USER1. If the Indirection flag is 1, the message was sent to the vehicles that USER1 is covering.

Data Import Utility - Position History Import Record Format

The following table describes the Vehicle Position History import record. This record causes a vehicle position history record to be added to the QTRACS database.

Field ID Description Size Data Type Comment
XFREASON Transfer failure reason code 4 Character Reserved = "0000"
XFACTION Action Code 4 Character "POSI"
PHVEH Vehicle Entity Identifier 10 Character  
PHARRV Position Arrival Time 14 Time Blanks = same as PHTIME
PHSIOT Trip In/Out 1 Character 'U' = Unknown;
'I' = In;
'O' = Out
PHIGST Ignition Status 1 Character '0' = Unknown;
'1' = On;
'2' = Off;
'*' = No Change
PHLAT Latitude (whole seconds) 8 Signed  
PHLON Longitude (whole seconds) 8 Signed  

Macro Template Import Record Format

The following table describes the Macro Template import record. This record causes a macro to be added or removed from the QTRACS database. In addition, transactions are sent to the NMC to in order synchronize the HUB database and the mobile unit's memory with each macro definition.

Field ID Description Size Data Type Comment
XFREASON Transfer failure reason code 4 Character Reserved = "0000"
XFACTION Action Code 4 Character "AMAC" - Add Macro
"RMAC" - Remove Macro
FMDIR Macro Direction 1 Character F (forward) or R (return)
FMMAC# Macro Number 3 Numeric  
FMNAME Macro Name 14 Character  
FMDESC Macro Description 30 Character  
FMASSO Associated Return Macro Number 3 Numeric Forward macro definitions only.
FMCVRG Return Macro Coverage Identifier 10 Character Return macro definitions only.
FMAPPL External Application Name 10 Character Return macro definitions only.
FMVCVG Route to Vehicle Coverage 1 Character 'Y' = Yes;
'N' = No (Return only)
FMBFMT Format of Macro Definition 1 Character 'F' = freeform
'T' = transmittable
FMLENG Length of Macro Definition 5 Numeric Must be > 0
FMBODY Macro Template Definition 1900 Character May be freeform or transmittable.


  • Freeform macros (FMMAC# = 0) may not be imported.
  • Return macros should be imported before forward macros. (This is because some forward macros may reference a return macro.)
  • FMASSO may only be specified on forward macros. Return macros must have this field set to blanks.
  • FMCVRG and FMAPPL may only be specified on return macros. Forward macros must have these fields set to blanks.

Please be aware of the following items when deleting macros:

  • QTRACS/400 will set the macro's status to "deleted" when the delete request is processed, however the record in the database only gets deleted after the NMC confirms the deletion.
  • This process may take some time, considering the amount of traffic between the AS/400 and the NMC at the time that this utility is run.
  • If the connection with the NMC is down none of the "deleted" macros will be removed from the database until the connection is reestablished. What this means is that if you remove macro #35, you may not get an error, but you still may not be able to re-add macro #35 yet !

Vehicle Message Group Import Record Format

The following table describes the Vehicle Message Group record. This record causes a Vehicle Message Group to be added to the QTRACS database, making use of one of the 49 vehicle group numbers available to each site.

Field ID




Data Type




Transfer failure reason code



Reserved = "0000"



Action Code






Group ID






Group Description




Driver Entity Import Record Format

The following table describes the Driver Entity import record. This record causes a new driver entity to be added to the QTRACS database.

Field ID




Data Type




Transfer failure reason code



Reserved = '0000'



Action Code






Driver Identifier






Full Driver Name






Global Login Password









Required if EYFLAG = 'Y'



Add Driver to SensorTRACS



'N' = NO;
'Y' = YES

Notes: If EYFLAG is set to 'Y' then the driver will be added to QTRACS only if the add to SensorTRACS is successful. In order for the SensorTRACS add to be successful, the SensorTRACS ID (EYSTID) must be specified.

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