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Omnitracs Knowledge Base


T.2.09.0 - Macro Template Definition Acknowledgement Transaction Type

This transaction type is used to notify integrators when a macro template definition addition, change or deletion has been acknowledged by the Omnitracs Network Operations Center. The intent of the transaction is to notify integrators regarding the disposition of macro template changes originating from any source (e.g. web service, web page, etc.), rather than detailing the specific changes or echoing the corresponding macro template definition.

The transaction includes a <completionCode> element indicating the completion status of the macro template definition operation - the public integration wiki defines all completion code values.

Note: The createMacro and deleteMacro web services documentation in the public interface wiki will be updated to describe their relationships to the publication of this transaction type and how customers may subscribe to it in order to received positive or negative completion statuses for macro template definition operations.


A sample XML transaction is shown below:

   <tran ID="16012" companyID="COMPABC" auxID="0999999999">
         <macroType number="12" direction="R" version="3">Empty Call</macroType>

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