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Omnitracs Knowledge Base

HOS Driver Log Queue Ex

add.pngAvailable in PIT v2.3

This ILE API wraps the HOS Driver Log Queue Ex web service. See its documentation for a further explanation of the input and output parameters, as well as the possible error conditions.


Parameter Interface:

Parameter Direction Type Length Precision Description
Depot ID Input Character 50 n/a Depot ID or zero value
Start TS Input Character 19 n/a Optional starting timestamp or blank value which defaults to beginning of current day. Format: YYYY-MM-DD-HH.MM.SS
End TS Input Character 19 n/a Optional ending timestamp or blank value which defaults to end of current day. Format: YYYY-MM-DD-HH.MM.SS
Local TZ? Input Character 1 n/a Assume input timestamp are interpreted as depot-local timezones or GMT, where "1" = Yes, local TZ "0" = No, GMT TZ
Starting log ID Input Character 50 n/a Starting log ID or zero if basing query on input timestamps alone
Time Resolution Input Character 1 n/a This parameter specifies whether certain values in the response are returned in seconds or minutes, where '1' = Values are returned in seconds, and '0' = values are returned in minutes.
Log Queue array Output Character n/a n/a An array of 1,000 driver log queue structures as shown below. The number of non-null array entries is returned in a separate output parameter. Fields with zero length values are considered null and represent optional values that weren't returned in the web service response or entire log queue array entries which weren't returned. See the HSDRVLOGARR and HSLOGEXPORT external structures defined in the HSDRVLQDS copy file which further describes the output parameter data.
Log Queue array element count Output Decimal 5 0 Number of non-null elements in the log queue output array
Output Depot ID Output Character 50 n/a Output depot ID which may be used in subsequent calls
Next log ID Output Character 50 n/a Output next log id returned from web service, which may be used in subsequent call
Error Category Output Decimal 3 0 Error Category, if any
Error Code Output Decimal 5 0 Error Code, if any
Error Description Output Character 150 varying n/a Error description, if any

An error category of 0 means that the call completed successfully.

Driver Log Queue Ex Structure (hsLogExport DS defined in HSDRVLQDS copy file):

This data structure may be mapped over each of the 1,000 elements of the driver log queue array output parameter. The array contains a fixed number of elements (1,000). The number of non-null array entries is returned in a separate output parameter. Fields with zero length values are considered null and represent optional values that weren't returned in the web service response or entire log queue array entries which weren't returned:

Field Type Length Precision Description
DriverID Character 50 varying Driver Id
TractorID Character 50 varying Tractor ID
Activity Character 50 varying Activity (enum)
WaitOilWell Character 1 varying Wait Oil well (0=disable, 1=enabled)
HazmatRest Character 1 varying Hazmat on duty rest (0=disable, 1=enabled)
StartTime Character 19 varying Duty start TS (YYYY-MM-DD-HH:MM:SS)
Duration Character 50 varying Duty duration (int)
Edit Character 50 varying Record edited (enum)
State Character 50 varying State or province
Odometer Character 50 varying Duty start odometer (int)
Distance Character 50 varying Duty dist 1/10 mi (int)
CoDriverId Character 50 varying Signed in co-driver ID
Location Character 200 varying Activity start location
Document Character 200 varying Bills of lading num concat
TrailerId Character 50 varying Trailer hauled
Confirmed Character 1 varying Driver confirmed (0=disable, 1=enabled)
SensorFail Character 1 varying Sensor failure (0=disable, 1=enabled)
TimeZone Character 50 varying Driver primary depot TZ
Remark1 Character 200 varying Driver remark 1
Remark2 Character 200 varying Driver remark 2
EditReason Character 200 varying Log edit reason
OrigLogId Character 50 varying Link to related log ID (int)
LogId Character 50 varying Log ID (int)
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