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Omnitracs Knowledge Base


DriverLogQueueEx (Driver Function)

Returns driver log records for specified driver depot. A maximum of 1,000 records will be returned each call. Provide Start date and time (yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss) only for the first call or omit on first call for the start of the current day (depot's Start of Day) and set LogId=0 to retrieve from the first record of the day. Afterwards, use only the NextLogId returned in the previous call as Start will be ignored.

When no more records are available, NextLogId will point to the next future duty log entry. If no records are returned at all, NextLogId will contain the value of the LogId input parameter used in the call which can therefore be re-used in the next call. Providing an End date and time is optional. All times are in GMT if LocalTime parameter is set to false. Otherwise all times are assumed to be depot local time. Odometers and DistanceDriven are in tenths of miles.

When a record indicates it is marked as a Correction to a previous record, the OriginalLogId field contains the LogId of the original record to facilitate the matching of Corrections to Originals. If the record is marked as Original, then the OriginalLogId field will point to the LogId of the new, corrected record. If an edit is undone, a new LogId will be assigned to the original record while the correction will be deleted.

The main purpose of the function is for real time processing of current duty logs as they happen, but the function can also be used for retrieving past records.


Request Parameters

The DriverLogQueueEx request takes the following parameters:

Parameter Type Optional Description
Depot Int Y The company's depotID. Defaults to 0 (The default depot).
Start dateTime Y The starting date and time. Useful for the very first time this function is called, then ignored if LogID is non zero. If not provided on (the initial) call (where LogId is zero), the function will default to the current start of day for the depot specified. See description above.
End dateTime Y The ending date and time. Useful when retrieving historical records. If not provided, the function will return up to 1,000 records or the number of records available, whichever comes first.
LocalTime boolean N If true, Start and End are taken as depot local times. If false, Start and End times are takes as GMT.
LogId Int N Specifies the first LogId to return. Set to zero on the first call. A non zero value will override the Start value, if Start is specified. If there are more than 1,000 records to be returned, call the function again with the last returned NextLogId as the new LogId. If no additional records are found, the LogId entered is returned in NextLogId output. The customer can continue to call this web service function on a periodic basis using that same NextLogId until additional data is available.
TimeResolutionInSeconds boolean Y The TimeResolutionInSeconds parameter specifies whether certain values in the response are returned in seconds or minutes. If true, values are returned in seconds; otherwise in minutes. The ELD duty status values Personal Conveyance and Yard Move are also returned if this parameter is true; otherwise, they are returned as Off Duty and On Duty, respectively. This parameter is optional. If the parameter is omitted, then values in the response are returned in minutes. See the response description for the affected fields.




XML Structure

    <DriverLogQueueEx xmlns="">  


Response Parameters


In the results, the following values are returned:

Parameter Type Description
Depot Int This is the same value as the input parameter.
RecordsReturned Int The total count of records returned in the call. (Cannot exceed 1,000.)
Logs ArrayOfDriverLogQueueDataEx Array of DriverLogQueueDataEx structures, repeats once for each driver log record returned
NextLogId Int Useful for the next iterative call to this function. The value itself is not meaningful beyond the web service call. If no records are left to be returned, a LogId representing the next future log entry is returned here. Or, if no data is returned at all, the same input LogId will be returned in NextLogId for use with the next call. That same value can be used in the next call. A zero or negative value will never be returned.



This data structure is returned for each of the driver's duty logs that fall within the provided parameters. The values making up this data structure are as follows:

Parameter Type Description
DriverId String The driver's unique identifier, as used on the mobile unit and the Hours of Service web site. Subsequent records may or may not be for the same driver as the order for records being returned is chronological when received by HOS.
TractorId String tractor the driver was assigned to if logged in. If not logged in, this value will be empty.
Activity Enum One of: Unknown, OffDuty, Sleeper, Driving, OnDuty, OffDutyDriving, PersonalConveyance or YardMove. Note that Activity start dates may or may not be chronological as the timestamps may represent edits or duty status change requests received after a lengthy delay.
WaitingInOilWell Boolean True if driver was waiting in oil well during this activity. May not be present if the value is false.
HazmatOnDutyRest Boolean True if driver was taking rest while carrying hazardous load during this activity. May not be present if the value is false.
StartTime dateTime Starting time of duty record, in UTC time zone (if TimeResolutionInSeconds is false or omitted in the request, then StartTime will be truncated to the minute)
Duration Int Amount of time this duty lasted (if TimeResolutionInSeconds is true in the request, then returned in seconds; otherwise minutes)
Edit Enum One of: None (record was not edited), Original (original record of an edited record), Correction (edited version of a record). Since records are returned chronologically, the final edited value will not be returned until later in the data set or perhaps in a subsequent call.
State String US state or Canadian province abbreviation.
Odometer Int Odometer reading, in tenths of miles, at the beginning of the duty status. If not available, this value will be -1.
DistanceDriven Int Distance the tractor was driven, in tenths of miles, during the duty status. This value will be zero for non-driving statuses and off-duty driving.
CoDriverID String The Co-driver's unique identifier, if a codriver was signed in for the reported period.
Location String The location where the activity started. For example, 10 miles NE of San Diego.
Document String Typically a concatenation of various bills of lading numbers.
TrailerID String Trailer hauled
Confirmed Boolean True means the driver has approved this log as accurate. False means the driver has not yet approved this log.
SensorFailure Boolean True indicates sensor failures were recorded during the activity.
TimeZone String The time zone of the driver's primary depot.
Remark 1 String Driver remark 1 for the activity.
Remark 2 String Driver remark 2 for the activity.
EditReason String Reason given when the activity was edited.
OriginalLogID Int When a record indicates it is marked as a Correction to a previous record, the OriginalLogId field contains the LogId of the original record to facilitate the matching of Corrections to Originals. If the record is marked as Original, then the OriginalLogId field will point to the LogId of the new, corrected record. If an edit is undone, a new LogId will be assigned to the original record while the correction will be deleted.
LogID Int A unique identifier for each of the individual logs.


XML Structure

    <DriverLogQueueExResponse xmlns="">  
                    <Activity>Unknown or OffDuty or Sleeper or Driving or OnDuty or OffDutyDriving</Activity>  
                    <Edit>None or Original or Correction</Edit>  
                    <Activity>Unknown or OffDuty or Sleeper or Driving or OnDuty or OffDutyDriving</Activity>  
                    <Edit>None or Original or Correction</Edit>  
                    . . .  
                    . . .  
                    . . .  
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