GetObservations (Notification function)
The Notification web service includes data about a number of operations, some of which existed elsewhere and were moved here. Examples: unassigned driving and odometer jumps.
XML Request
The GetObservations function takes the following input parameters:
Parameter | Type | Optional | Description |
LastObservationID | Int | Yes | Used for successive calls. Next response will include all records after the LastObservationID speicified. (Max records returned is 1000.) If not preesnt or a value of 0 is provided, the StartTime specified will be used |
StartTime | dateTime | Yes | Earliest possible time (in GMT) for the first returned observation. Used if the LastObservationID is 0 or not specified |
ObservationTypeFilter | List of strings | Yes | A list of strings corresponding to observation types. If omitted, all present observations are returned |
ObservationType | string | Yes | A type of observation to be returned. currently supported: UNASSIGNED_DRIVING_STARTED, UNASSIGNED_DRIVING_ENDED and ODOMETER_JUMP |
- One valied value of LastObservationID or StartTime needs to be present in the request.
- ObservationType contents are strings and not ENUM values, which makes it easier to add new types.
<soapenv:Body> <GetObservationsRequest> <!--Optional:--> <LastObservationID>int</LastObservationID> <!--Optional:--> <StartTime>dateTime</StartTime> <!--Optional:--> <ObservationTypeFilter> <!--Zero or more repetitions:--> <:ObservationType>string</ObservationType> </ObservationTypeFilter> </:GetObservationsRequest> </soapenv:Body>
- Note that there may be name-space related prefix with the tags, for example, <GetObservationsRequest> will show as <xyz:GetObservationsRequest>, where xyz is an abbreviation of the name-space.
XML Response
The XML response will have the following parameters
Parameter | Type | Optional | Description |
Observation | object | Yes | A squence of observatinos is returned, each contains the following parameters |
ObservationID | Long | No | The (unique) ID of the observation |
ObservationType | String | No | The type of the observation |
StartTime | dateTime | No | The start time of the observation in UTC |
EndTime | dateTime | Yes | The end time of the observation in UTC. Certain observations will not have this value set |
ServerProcessedTime | dateTime | No | The time that the sever processed the event that created this observation in UTC |
Identifier | String | Yes | An indicator of which entity the observation is about. It varies based on the observation type |
Attributes | String | Yes | A base64 encoded string that contains an XML structure containing attributes for the observation. The format of the XML varies by observation type |
The following table specifies te type of Identifier and presence of EndTime for each supported observation type:
_ObservationType _ | Identifier | EndTime present? |
ODOMETER_JUMP | VehicleID | Yes |
Attributes included in the Attributes decoded string, in order, including type and optional. Example: Lattitude (float, Y) means it is a float and optional:
ObservationType | Attribute 1 | Attribute 2 | Attribute 3 | Attribute 4 |
UNASSIGNED_DRIVING_STARTED | Latitude (float, Y) | Longitude (float, Y) | Odometer (float, Y) | Co-DriverID (string, Y) |
UNASSIGNED_DRIVING_ENDED | Latitude (float, Y) | Longitude (float, Y) | Odometer (float, Y) | Co-DriverID (string, Y) |
ODOMETER_JUMP | UA (Int, N) | StartOdometer (Float, N) | EndOdometer (Float, N) |
<SOAP-ENV:Body> <ns3:GetObservationsResponse xmlns:ns2="" xmlns:ns3=""> <ns3:Observation> <ns2:ObservationID>int</ns2:ObservationID> <ns2:ObservationType>string</ns2:ObservationType> <ns2:StartTime>dateTime</ns2:StartTime> <ns2:EndTime>dateTime</ns2:EndTime> <ns2:ServerProcessedTime>dateTime</ns2:ServerProcessedTime> <ns2:Identifier>string</ns2:Identifier> <ns2:Attributes>PE9kb21ldGVySnVtcEF0dHJpYnV0ZXM+PFVBPjEwNTMwNzc4NDwvVUE+PFN0YXJ0T2RvbWV0ZXI+MTI5MDczLjA8L1N0YXJ0T2RvbWV0ZXI+PEVuZE9kb21ldGVyPjEyOTE5MC44PC9FbmRPZG9tZXRlcj48L09kb21ldGVySnVtcEF0dHJpYnV0ZXM+</ns2:Attributes> </ns3:Observation> <ns3:Observation> <ns2:ObservationID>int</ns2:ObservationID> <ns2:ObservationType>string</ns2:ObservationType> <ns2:StartTime>dateTime</ns2:StartTime> <ns2:EndTime>dateTime</ns2:EndTime> <ns2:ServerProcessedTime>dateTime</ns2:ServerProcessedTime> <ns2:Identifier>string</ns2:Identifier> <ns2:Attributes>PE9kb21ldGVySnVtcEF0dHJpYnV0ZXM+PFVBPjEwNTMwNzc4NDwvVUE+PFN0YXJ0T2RvbWV0ZXI+MTI5MTkwLjg8L1N0YXJ0T2RvbWV0ZXI+PEVuZE9kb21ldGVyPjEyOTQ5MS40PC9FbmRPZG9tZXRlcj48L09kb21ldGVySnVtcEF0dHJpYnV0ZXM+</ns2:Attributes> </ns3:Observation> </ns3:GetObservationsResponse> </SOAP-ENV:Body>
Decoding the base64 encoded value for the UNASSIGNED_DRIVING_STARTED observation would result in an XML like the following example (and similar for the UNASSIGNED_DRIVING_ENDED observation):
<UnassignedDrivingStartedAttributes> <Latitude>123.23</Latitude> <Longitude>123.23</Longitude> <Location>5 mi SSE of San Diego, CA</Location> <Odometer>103234.21</Odometer> <Co-DriverID>JSMITH</Co-DriverID> </UnassignedDrivingStartedAttributes>
Decoding the base64 encoded value for the ODOMETER_JUMP observation would result in an XML like the following example:
<OdometerJumpAttributes> <UA>111400.3</UA> <StartOdometer>111443.2</StartOdometer> <EndOdometer>5 mi SSE of San Diego, CA</EndOdometer> </OdometerJumpAttributes>
You can download the XSD for each observation base64 encoded value from the attachments for this page. (Tools -> Attachments)