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Omnitracs Knowledge Base


AssignHOSModeByDepot (Load Function)

Sets the ELD Mode mobile configuration parameter for all vehicles in a depot. This will override previous settings.

AssignHOSModeBy Depot was introduced in HOS Release 5.3.

XML Request

The AssignHOSModeByDepot function takes the following input parameters:

Parameter Type Description
DepotId short The ID of the depot whose vehicles should be returned
ELDMode Boolean False = AOBRD Mode
True = ELD Mode
  <AssignHOSModeByDepot xmlns="">  

XML Response

The XML response will have a <Vehicles> tag that contains a list of <VehicleInfo> tags. Each contains the following values:

Parameter Type Optional Description
VehicleID string No The vehicle ID. That is also referred to as the tractor ID.
UA int Yes The comm unit serial number. If a vehicle does not have a UA, then this field will not be present for that vehicle
ELDMode string No AOBRD_Mode or ELD_Mode
  <AssignHOSModeByDepotResponse xmlns="">  
          <ELDMode>AOBRD_Mode or ELD_Mode</ELDMode>  
          <ELDMode>AOBRD_Mode or ELD_Mode</ELDMode>  
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