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USDriverLogReport2 (Driver Function)

This method returns all the required information for a driver's duty logs in the United States format. The information mirrors the driver log report on the Hours of Service web site. This web service populates the following fields in the output XML with a -1 if there is an invalid value instead of throwing an exception like the USDriverLogReport function.

  • <DistanceDriven>int</DistanceDriven>
  • <OffDuty>int</OffDuty>
  • <SleeperBerth>int</SleeperBerth>
  • <Driving>int</Driving>
  • <OnDutyNotDriving>int</OnDutyNotDriving>
  • <OnDutyToday>int</OnDutyToday>
  • <OnDutyThisWeek>int</OnDutyThisWeek>

Except the above mentioned difference both the web services are identical.

Request Parameters

The web service method takes the following input parameters:

Parameter Type Description
DriverID string The driver's unique identifier, as used on the mobile unit and the Hours of Service web site
StartDate dateTime Starting date (inclusive), in the driver's local time zone This value must only include the date part. Hours, Minutes, Seconds must all be zero. (ie. <StartDate >2013-05-25T00:00:00</StartDate >)
EndDate dateTime Ending date (inclusive), in the driver's local time zone This value must only include the date part. Hours, Minutes, Seconds must all be zero. (ie. <EndDate >2013-05-25T00:00:00</EndDate >)
CustomerName string Name of customer making web service call
DriverRegion USRegions rule set to apply: USA, CA, FL, TX or AK
TimeResolutionInSeconds boolean This parameter specifies whether certain values in the response are returned in seconds or minutes. If true, values are returned in seconds; otherwise in minutes. The ELD duty status values Personal Conveyance and Yard Move are also returned if this parameter is true; otherwise, they are returned as Off Duty and On Duty, respectively. This parameter is optional. If the parameter is omitted, then values in the response are returned in minutes. See the response description for the affected fields.

XML Structure

  <USDriverLogReport xmlns="">  
      <DriverRegion>USA or CA or FL or TX or AK</DriverRegion>  


The web service method provides the following information in the response document. All dates and times in the response document are in the driver's current depot time zone, unless noted otherwise below.



Parameter Type Description
RequestRangeStart dateTime The "StartDate" set in the request document
RequestRangeEnd dateTime The "EndDate" set in the request document
RequestTime dateTime The time of the web service request, in UTC
DriverName string The driver's first + last name
CompanyName string Company name
CompanyAddress string Company's current address
DistanceUnit DistanceUnit enum Miles for US region (KiloMeters for Canada region)
NumberOfDays int Number of days in this set of duty logs
DriverRegion USRegions enum The "DriverRegion" set in the request document
DriverCycle USDefaultDutyCycleEnum enum None, SevenDay or EightDay
USDailyDataList ArrayOfUSDailyData Array of USDailyData structures

This complex type represents a day in the driver's duty logs.

Parameter Type Description
DayDate dateTime The day's date, in the driver's local time zone
Documents string List of shipping documents (bills of lading)
Trailers string List of trailers hauled
Tractors string List of tractor driven
CoDrivers string Names of team drivers, if any
Company SiteAffiliation Company name and address active this day
Depot DepotAffiliation Driver's terminal or depot active this day
Carriers ArrayOfSiteAffiliation List of driver's affiliated carriers for the day
RuleSets ArrayOfRuleSetChange List of rule sets for the day
EditCount int Number of duty log edits
SensorFailureCount int Number of sensor failures
OffDuty int Total off-duty time (if TimeResolutionInSeconds is true in the request, then returned in seconds; otherwise minutes) , -1 if not available (includes Personal Conveyance durations)
SleeperBerth int Total sleeper berth time (if TimeResolutionInSeconds is true in the request, then returned in seconds; otherwise minutes), -1 if not available
Driving int Total on-duty time (if TimeResolutionInSeconds is true in the request, then returned in seconds; otherwise minutes), -1 if not available
OnDutyNotDriving int Total on-duty, but not driving, time (if TimeResolutionInSeconds is true in the request, then returned in seconds; otherwise minutes), -1 if not available (includes Yard Move durations)
OnDutyToday int Driving and on-duty (not driving) time (if TimeResolutionInSeconds is true in the request, then returned in seconds; otherwise minutes), -1 if not available
OnDutyThisWeek int Driving and on-duty (not driving) time for the driver's cycle (7/8 days) (if TimeResolutionInSeconds is true in the request, then returned in seconds; otherwise minutes), -1 if not available
DistanceDriven int Number of miles or kilometers driven, -1 if not available
StartOfDay string Driver's start of day (hours and minutes) and time zone, e.g., Midnight Pacific, 01:00 Central, 12:00 Eastern
DutyStatusInfoCount int Number of duty records in the DutyStatusInfoList
DutyStatusInfoList ArrayOfDutyStatusInfo List of duty records in the day

Note: When times are reported in minute resolution, the daily totals will likely not add up to 24 hours (OffDuty, SleeperBerth, Driving & OnDutyNotDriving).

This complex type represents a single duty period in the driver's duty logs.

Parameter Type Description
StartTime dateTime Starting time of duty record, in driver's local time zone (if TimeResolutionInSeconds is false or omitted in the request, then StartTime will be truncated to the minute)
Duration int Amount of time this duty lasted (if TimeResolutionInSeconds is true in the request, then returned in seconds; otherwise minutes)
CurrentActivity Activity Activity type: Unknown, OffDuty, Sleeper, Driving, OnDuty, OffDutyDriving, PersonalConveyance, YardMove
Location string The location where the activity started
Flags Flags Complex type of flags for this activity
Comment1 string Driver remark 1 for the activity
Comment2 string Driver remark 2 for the activity
UsCycleResetTime dateTime US cycle reset time. Always calculated under US federal rules even if the specified rule-set does not follow the US federal 34-hour reset rules
EditReason string Reason given when the activity was edited

A set of flags or markers for each duty period or activity.

Parameter Type Description
EditFlag EditType enum 'None' means original activity with no correction; 'Original' means this activity has been corrected or edited; 'Correction' means this is the edit or corrected activity.
Confirmed boolean True if the driver has confirmed this activity.
SensorFailure boolean True if a sensor failure occurred during this activity.
DistanceEdit boolean True if the distance driven has been edited.
WaitingInOilWell boolean True if driver was waiting in oil well during this activity.
HazmatOnDutyRest boolean True if driver was taking rest while carrying hazardous load during this activity.

The name, address and effective date for a driver's company or carrier.

Parameter Type Description
EffectiveTime dateTime Date and time site became effective for driver, in driver's local time zone
Name string Name of site or facility
FullName string Full name of site or facility, especially for company
Street1 string Street address
Street2 string Second line for street address
City string City or town
StateProvince string US state or Canadian province abbreviation
Postal string US zip code or Canadian postal code
Misc string Miscellaneous site or facility information, like a telephone number



The name, address and effective date for a driver's depot. This type extends the SiteAffiliation type and adds the following parameters.

Parameter Type Description
TimeZoneOffset int Number of minutes offset from GMT/UTC (UTC time + offset = local time)
TimeZoneName string Name of time zone, adjusted for daylight savings if needed (e.g., Pacific Standard Time, Pacific Daylight Time)
TimeZoneAbbrev string Abbreviation for time zone, adjusted for daylight savings if needed (e.g., PST, PDT)
StartOfDay int Number of minutes past midnight, in the depot's local time, that the DOT day begins (e.g., 0 for midnight, 60 for 1 AM)



Parameter Type Description
RuleSet RuleSetEnum Rule set active: USA, CANMain, CANNorth, USACalifornia, USAFlorida, USATexas, USAAlaska
EffectiveTime dateTime Date and time rule set began, in driver's local time zone


XML Structure

    <DistanceUnit>KiloMeters or Miles</DistanceUnit>  
    <DriverRegion>USA or CA or FL or TX or AK</DriverRegion>  
    <DriverCycle>None or SevenDay or EightDay</DriverCycle>  
            <RuleSet>USA, CANMain, CANNorth, USACalifornia, USAFlorida, USATexas, USAAlaska</RuleSet>  
            <CurrentActivity>UnKnown or OffDuty or Sleeper or Driving or OnDuty or OffDutyDriving</CurrentActivity>  
              <EditFlag>None or Original or Correction</EditFlag>  
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