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Omnitracs Knowledge Base

Driver->Scenarios (GetViolationEvents, DriverViolations)

Scenarios where a driver will be return by one of the two methods (GetViolationEvents, DriverViolations) but not found when calling the other

Scenarios where a driver will be return by one of the two methods (GetViolationEvents, DriverViolations) but not found when calling the other:

Scenario 1: (Edited Logs removed a violation that was returned by GetViolationEvents)

  • Driver was in violation because he forgot to place himself off-duty at the end of the day.
  • The next morning time both GetViolationEvents and DriverViolations return violations for this driver.
  • The next day, he edited his logs and changed his on-duty time to off-duty, removing the violation.
  • After the edits GetViolationEvents still returns the calculated violations (and the times they were calculated) and DriverViolations no longer return violations for this driver.

Scenario 2: (Out of coverage)

  • Drivers 14 hour clock will run out at 2014-02-12 00:59 GMT
  • 02/11/14 22:17:00 GMT Driver is driving with 2 hour 42 minutes left on his 14 hour clock.
  • 02/11/14 23:35:00 GMT Driver stops the truck and is placed on-duty but unit is out of coverage.
  • 02/12/14 00:39:00 GMT Driver logs off and is placed off-duty but unit is still out of coverage.
  • In his truck it shows his duty status as on-duty at 02/11/14 23:35:00 GMT and off-duty at 02/12/14 00:39:00 GMT.
  • QHOS Website has not received the last two duty status changes and still considers the driver to still be in the last duty status that was communicated to QHOS until told of a new duty status. Since the driver is out of coverage, the on-duty and off-duty have not been communicated to the QHOS server yet, so it calculates the drivers logs as if he were still driving all night, and logs violations for the driver in GetViolationEvents.
  • 2014-02-12 00:17 GMT <ViolationEvent> SIXTY_MINUTE_WARNING is calculated for this driver with MinutesLeftToDrive = 42
  • 2014-02-12 00:48 GMT <ViolationEvent> THIRTY_MINUTE_WARNING is calculated for this driver with MinutesLeftToDrive = 11
  • 2014-02-12 01:18 GMT <ViolationEvent> VIOLATION is calculated for this driver with MinutesLeftToDrive = -19
  • 2014-02-12 01:48 GMT <ViolationEvent> VIOLATION is calculated for this driver with MinutesLeftToDrive = -49
  • 2014-02-12 02:18 GMT <ViolationEvent> VIOLATION is calculated for this driver with MinutesLeftToDrive = -79
  • 2014-02-12 02:48 GMT <ViolationEvent> VIOLATION is calculated for this driver with MinutesLeftToDrive = -109
  • 2014-02-12 03:19 GMT <ViolationEvent> VIOLATION is calculated for this driver with MinutesLeftToDrive = -140
  • 2014-02-12 03:49 GMT <ViolationEvent> VIOLATION is calculated for this driver with MinutesLeftToDrive = -170
  • 2014-02-12 04:20 GMT <ViolationEvent> VIOLATION is calculated for this driver with MinutesLeftToDrive = -201
  • 2014-02-12 05:50 GMT <ViolationEvent> VIOLATION is calculated for this driver with MinutesLeftToDrive = -213
  • At this time both GetViolationEvents and DriverViolations return violations for this driver.
  • 02/12/14 04:52:50 GMT The driver logs back into the unit and drives back into coverage.
  • 02/12/14 04:52:50 GMT The QHOS Servers receives the data that was stored on the unit while out of coverage showing his duty status as on-duty at 02/11/14 23:35:00 GMT and off-duty at 02/12/14 00:39:00 GMT.
  • The QHOS system recalculated the drivers logs based on this new information that was just received.
  • At this time GetViolationEvents still returns the calculated violations (and the times they were calculated) and DriverViolations no longer return violations for this driver.

Scenario 3: (Edited Logs added a violation that was not returned by GetViolationEvents)
• This method ONLY returns violations that occur in real-time. If a host user edits a driver's log and puts him into violation earlier in the day or on a previous day, this will not be captured by GetViolationEvents.

So the ultimate check for historical violations (e.g. once significant time has passed or for previous days) is to use the DriverViolations Web Service method. This one re-calculates historical violations taking into account any log edits, or late messages that may have arrived once a driver is back in coverage.

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